Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 8, 1902 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board was held at the house of the Secretary, J.C. Bond. President Crowe, Treasurer Marsh, Hubner, McGlauflin, Harvey and Bond being president. The minutes of the last Board …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jan 8, 1902 (Need New Organist) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Dec 22, 1901 After the regular preaching service today a called meeting of the church was held for the purpose of electing certain members who had been endorsed by the Board of Deacon. The following names were presented …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Dec 22, 1901 (New Members) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. December 4, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board was held on the above date at the house of Dr. McGlauflin. A quorum was present. The minutes of the last regular meeting of the board and …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Dec 4, 1901 (McGlauflin at Unitarian Church) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 10, 1901 After the regular preaching service today the church held a called meeting for the purpose of voting on certain names for active membership in the church. Dr. McGlauflin acted as chairman of the meeting and …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Nov 10, 1901 (New Members) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 5, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the church Board was held tonight at the home of the President Mr. Crone. The Secretary and book being absent the minutes of the last regular meeting were not …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Nov 5, 1901 (Financial, Thanksgiving) Read more »

Oct 14, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the board was held on above date at the church with President Crone in the chair with following members present: F.M. Marsh, Dr. McGlauflin, G.W. Hubner and James Harvey. J.C. Bond …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Oct 14, 1901 (Financial Discussions) Read more »

Sep 4, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board was had on the above date at the church; the following member being present: R.M. Crone, James Harvey, F.M. Marsh, Dr. McGlauflin and J.C. Bond. The minutes of the …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Sep 4, 1901 (New Organist) Read more »

Atlanta Ga Aug 25, 1901 A called meeting of the church was held on Sunday morning Aug 25, 1901 immediately before the preaching service for the purpose of choosing delegates and alternates to the Georgia Universalist Convention to be held …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Aug 25, 1901 (Elect Delegates) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 9, 1901 The regular monthly Board meeting of the First Universalist Church was held on the evening of Aug 9th at the Church, the following members being present Crone, Marsh, Gill, Bond and McGlauflin. The minutes of …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Aug 9, 1901 (Financial Discussions) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. July 7, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board was held on the above date at the church, following members being present: President R.M. Crone, Treasurer F.M. Marsh, Secy J.C. Bond, James Harvey, Chas. W. Hubner, …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jul 7, 1901 (Finance, Music, Pulpit Supply) Read more »