Contact Us
We welcome your comments and input. Please complete the information requested below to send us an email. We are an all volunteer organization, but we try to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours. Also see Helpful Contact Hints below.
Please be careful to press the “Submit” button and not the “Choose File” button when submitting your email request.
Helpful Contact Hints
Document Text Errors
Many of the original paper based documents in digital archive have been processed via Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This process converts paper documents to fully text searchable documents. The process may introduce typographical errors. If you discover such a situation, when contacting us provide the following:
- Subject: OCR Error Found
- Message: Include the Title of the document and a sample of the error. We will use your input to search for and correct the typographically error. We express our hearty thanks in advance.
Request for Additional Information
The digital archive is a living project with new information being continually added. If you cannot find desired information, please contact us. We may have the information you are seeking in our “in box.” To make such a request, when contacting us provide the following:
- Subject: Request for Additional Information
- Message: Please provide a detailed description of the information desired and the context for the request (e.g., research Universalism in the South). If appropriate, provide a contact phone number so we can discuss your information needs.
Access to Restricted Information
If you require access to restricted information, a formal request to such information is required. To make such a request, when contacting us provide the following:
- Subject: Access to Restricted Information
- Message: Provide specific document title you wish to access or provide the class of information required (e.g., member directories, pledge/financial information, employee/personnel information). Provide the reason for the request. A contact number is required to process your request. One our archivists, will contact you to discuss your request.
Digital Archive Improvements
We welcome feedback on the digital archive site. To share your insights on site improvement, when contacting us provide the following:
- Subject: Site Improvement
- Message: Please provide you comments. You may also upload screen prints or other documents that will enhance our understanding of your suggestions.