January 29, 1900 Board Directors Meeting office Mr. Thrower Present Mr. Crone, J.C. Bond, F.M. Marsh, Miss Thrower, Gill & Fincher.  Also Dr. McGlauflin and J.C. Bond. The Secretary was instructed to write D.A. Helmich at Birmingham, Ala. declining his …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Jan 29, 1900 (Building Cmtte Appointed) Read more »

January 17, 1900 Annual Meeting at G.F. Hall. Although a stormy night there was quite a nice representations of the friends and members of The First Universalist Church present. A nice supper was prepared by the ladies and a table …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Jan 17, 1900 (Annual Meeting) Read more »

December 10, 1897 Mission Circle met at Mrs. Hallam’s. President presiding. The usual devotional exercises were held. Roll call responded to by the following: Mesdames Beck, Cottingham, Gill, Hallam, Blackman and Strahan. Dr. McGlauflin gave us a quotation. Four visitors …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Dec 10, 1897 (Various Topics) Read more »

November 17, 1897 Mission Circle met at Mrs. Beck’s. President presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Reports of Committees. Hospitality – Mrs. Hallam has made 6 calls, Mrs. Beck 2. Several names given to ladies with a request …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Nov 17, 1897 (Resolution for Mrs. McGlauflin) Read more »

October 11, 1897 Mission Circle met at Mrs. Hallam’s. President Mrs. Cottingham presiding. The regular devotional exercises were held. Roll call responded to by the following members: Mesdames Cottingham, Jones, Gill, Fincher, Hallam, Blackman with six visitors. Minutes of the …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Oct 11, 1897 (Sympathy for loss of Mrs. McGlauflin) Read more »

September 13, 1897 The monthly meeting of the Mission Circle met at the Good Templars Hall, our place of worship. Our President, Mrs. Cottingham presiding. The usual exercise of music and scripture reading opening the meeting. Roll call answered by …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Sep 13, 1897 (Woman’s National Centenary Association) Read more »

August 9, 1897 The Mission Circle held their regular meeting at the residence of Mrs. Hallam on Pine Street. In the absence of the President and Vice President, Mrs. Hallam was appointed to preside and opened the meeting with the …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Aug 9, 1897 (Funds Raised) Read more »

June 14, 1897 The regular monthly meeting of the Missions Circle met with Mrs. Clark at the Grand Opera House, June 14, 1897. Mrs. Cottingham, the President in the chair. The Secretary being absent, Mrs. McGlauflin was appointed to act …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Jun 14, 1897 (Funds Raised) Read more »

May 10, 1897 The Mission Circle met at the resident of Mrs. Hallam May 10. The following members present: Mesdames Cottingham, President, Beck, Ferris, McGlauflin, Gill, Hallam and Ickes. Minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved. Report of the …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, May 10, 1897 (Committee Reports) Read more »

April 12, 1897 At the regular meeting of the Mission Circle held April 12 at the residence of Mr. McCutcheon, the following members were present: Mrs. Beck, Buchanan, McCutcheon, Dennis, Ferris, McGlauflin, Hallam, Ickes and Jones and four visitors. In …

Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Apr 12, 1897 (By-laws) Read more »