Universalist Women’s Mission Circle – Meeting Minutes, Nov 17, 1897 (Resolution for Mrs. McGlauflin)

November 17, 1897

Mission Circle met at Mrs. Beck’s. President presiding.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Reports of Committees.

Hospitality – Mrs. Hallam has made 6 calls, Mrs. Beck 2. Several names given to ladies with a request for them to call.

Benevolent – No report.

Literature – No report.

Flower Committee reports that church room very professionally and artistically decorated for “All Souls Day” – Nov 11. Seven set pieces were made “for memoriam” for those departed who are the following:

  • Waldo H. Hutchins
  • Bryce P Fincher
  • Dora M. Higgins
  • Tyler Dickerson
  • Lucy S. McGlauflin
  • Mamie J. Jones.

Treasurer report – Amount received from supper given Saturday $10.00. Amount from Experience Social Monday $32.00, $2.00 handed in today. Making total of $44.10. Dues – $1.00. Expenses – $1.00 to Miss Clayton for piano with .$15 to Ms. Hallam for cards, $19.00 balance on church pledge.

Total balance to-date – $45.10

Secretary gives orders to Treasurer to pay three bills mentioned above.

New Business

Motion made and carried for Secretary to write a card of thanks to Miss Nin for use of rooms for the supper Saturday eve. Also to Mr. (Archivist: No last name appears in the meeting minutes after “Mr.” Assumed to be Nin) for donation of oysters.

Letter read from Mrs. Louise A. Lord of Woodside, H.H. asking for donations of one or more handkerchiefs for their sale.

Motion made to send one – carried. Mrs. Dr. Ickes offered to get one donated and see to sending it, so matter was left in her hands.

The resolution drawn up by Mrs. Hallam in memory of Mrs. McGlauflin read and approved. Motion made to have them recorded in Secretary book – carried.

A tribute in the Christian Leader to Mrs. McGlauflin read, also a report of our local circle written by our National Secretary Mrs. Sherwood. (hyperlink to http://nwuuc.org/archive/?p=3857)

Mrs. Strahan then made a few remarks on the beautiful character of Mrs. McGlauflin closing by making a motion to organize a Lucy Sibley McGlauflin fund for charity. Purpose to be decided upon later. The idea well thought of and carried.

Mrs. Strahan started the fund by giving $1.00. Mrs. Ickes adds the promise of $1.00.

Motion made to change day of meeting from Mondays to Fridays – carried.

Ladies present: Mesdames Beck, Gill, Cottingham, Blackman, Hallam, Ickes, Strahan. Visitors – Mrs. Linch, Miss Harwood.

No program for today. We adjourned to meet at Mrs. Hallam’s Friday, Dec. 10, 1897.

In Memoriam

The angel of death came and took from our midst one who was ever our guide and inspiration while we must and can go on without her, letting the influence of her example help us to carry out the principles for which she so zealously labored. We would pause to lay this garland of love and remembrance upon the grace of her who has gone before.

Therefore resolved that we place upon our memorial tablet the revered and honored name of Lucy Sibley McGlauflin who on the nineteenth (19th) day of September, eighteen hundred and ninety seven (1897) was called to the heavenly home there to continue a life which had been filled with duties done and a blessing to all who knew her.

Ever the leading spirit in this Mission Circle the child of her love and care.

To our pastor, whose sorely tired spirit must bow in Christ-like submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well. We extend our sincerest sympathy.

As to the mother and friends to whom she was so inexpressibly dear.

With them let us say “Thy will be done who seeth not a man whose way is not ours. Let not anxious doubts or dark dismay cloud the quiet closing of a beautiful life, knowing that the Father careth for his own.”


Clara E. Hallam

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60   Folder: 02
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA