Atlanta Ga. June 10, 1901 On June 10, 1901 a called meeting of the church was held for the purpose of electing five members into the church, the named of whom were presented by Dr. McGlauflin. The following were the …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Jun 10, 1901 (New Members) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga Jun 4, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board of Trustee was held in the office of J.C. Bond 405 Gould Bldg on the evening of June 4, 1901. President Crone in the Chair the following …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jun 4, 1901 (Financial Matters) Read more »

Atlanta, GA. Apr 30, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting for May 1901 was held in the office of the Secretary 405 Gould Building on the evening of April 30, 1901. The following members being present: R.M. Crone, F.M Marsh, …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Apr 30, 1901 (Financial Matter, Rabbi Visit) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Apr 3, 1901 A called business meeting of the Church was held in the Sunday school room of the church on Apr 3, 1901, a quorum being present President Crone, in the chair. The minutes of the last …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Apr 3, 1901 (Elect Deacons and Members) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Apr 3, 1901 The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held for April 1901 in the Sunday school room of the church on Apr 3, 1901 with the following members being present: R.M. Crone, J.C. Bond, F.M. …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Apr 3, 1901 (Financial Matter) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Mar. 14, 1901 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the First Universalist Church was held in the Sunday school room of the church on the above date. There were present: Dr. McGlauflin, Mr. Marsh, …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Mar 14, 1901 (Financial Discussions and Rev. Bisbee) Read more »

Atlanta Ga. Feb. 3, 1901 Board of Trustees of the church held their regular February meeting in the study of Dr. McGlauflin on above date. President Crone in the chair, members present, Dr. McGlauflin, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Blake and Secy …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Feb 3, 1901 (Furnace and Ltr of Thanks) Read more »

Atlanta Ga Jan 29, 1901 The regular monthly business meeting of the church Board was held on Jan 29, 1901 in the study of Dr. McGlauflin; the following members being present: Dr. McGlauflin, Treasurer Marsh, Secy Bond, H.C. Blake, Chas …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jan 29, 1901 (Financial Discussions) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 22, 1901 The regular annual business meeting and banquet of the First Universalist Church of Atlanta was held in the vestry of the church on the evening of Jan. 22, 1901. The following officers being present: President …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jan 22, 1901 (Annual Meeting) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Jan 20, 1901 A call meeting of the church was had on Sunday, Jan 20, 1901, after the service for the purpose of voting on the following persons for membership in the First Universalist Church of Atlanta. Mr. …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jan 20, 1901 (New Members Inducted) Read more »