Rev. Chaney Leaving Atlanta

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) - Sun, Oct 19, 1890
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) – Sun, Oct 19, 1890

George Leonard Chaney will Leave the Church of our Father – His services are required in New Fields of Labor – The Unitarian Movement

Dr. George L. Chaney will sever his connection as pastor of the Church of our Father, after the first Sunday in November.

This announcement will be read with sincere regret by thousands of people in the city of Atlanta, who have known. admired and loved this distinguished divine during his residence in the city.

Eight years ago he held the first Unitarian service ever held in the city, at a room in the Kimball house, and his congregation consisted of two ladies. From that smell beginning the church has grown and prospered until today it numbers among the congregation many of the best people at the city.

For quite awhile alter the Kimball house beginning the Sunday services were conducted in the senate chamber at the state capitol.

In the spring of 1883, Dr. Chaney secured Concordia hall, and for several months the services were held there. In the fall of 1883 the place of worship was changed to the United States courtroom, in the custom house,where services were held until the property on the corner of North Forsyth anti Church streets was purchased and the beautiful church building erected there, a monument to the untiring efforts of Ur. Cheney and the society of Unitarians.

Dr. Chaney leaves the city and savers his connection with the Church of Our Father so that the scope of his labors may be broadened. But in speaking of the matter last evening he said: “I am not going to bid farewell forever to the church here in Atlanta, where I have labored so long. It has been a work at love with me, because I love the south; and some of my dearest interests are in the south and connected with the upbuilding of moral and social interests of this section of the union. Even though my labors be henceforth in some other part of the country, I intend to continue to work for the south and with those who are interested in the well-being of southern interests.”

Dr. Chaney has not decided on the plans for his future work,and neither has a successor been selected to take charge of the Church of our Father.

The services for the next two Sundays will be of additional interest in to the member of the congregation in consequence of the coming severance of his pastoral duties from the church that he has served so long and so well.

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) – Sun, Oct 19, 1890
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