Letter – Kay Montgomery to Roger Comstock Support for Camp Purchase (May 17, 1979)

2421 Oldfield Road, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327
17 May 1979

Mr. Roger Comstock
President, Board of Trustees
Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute
979 Springdale Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30306

Dear Roger:

I want to extend my personal thanks, encouragement and enthusiasm for the work of the Camp and Conference Center Committee. The site near Highlands is extraordinary; I don’t think we could do better.

In the course of my work on this year’s Sumner Institute I’ve talked with many Unitarian Universalists in the southeast; without exception, I’ve heard interest and enthusiasm for your plans. A camp and conference center of the type proposed will fill, I believe, a real need in this area–a need for shared learning and purpose. The continued growth of Unitarian Universalism in the southeast is dependent on our societies’ increasing involvement with one another. Summer Institute has filled this need in a spectacular way but I observe real frustration with the week-long limit.

The exceptional and professional planning, research and vision that was put into this project by Mo and Larry Wheeler, by you, and by the rest of the committee reflects a level of commitment and leadership that is exciting and compelling. You will have my own continued support and energy.
With best wishes,

Kay Montgomery

<signature not shown>

Director, 1979
Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute