Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes April 13, 1908 (Merger with Universalists)
Atlanta, Ga., April 13, 1908
The quarterly meeting of the Church was held this evening in the Sunday School room.
The meeting was called to order at 8:16 P.M. Chairman Harding presiding. There were 34 church members present as follows Messrs. Harding, Lederle, Watts, Behre, Taffe, Rice, Young, Smith, Jackson, Spencer, Francis, Perkins and Moore.
Of the ladies, Mrs. Lederle, Gardiner, Behre, Beardsley, Spencer, Daniels, Schumann, Francis, Smith, Moore and Brownell, together with the Misses Harding (Angie & Emma), Francis & Margaret Lederle, Behre, Barill, Martin, Estill, Ormond.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting were read and after correction of Treasurer’s balance as shown, were approved.
The Reports of the Clerk, Treasurer and Property committees were read and ordered filed. Encouraging reports were rendered by Miss Martin for the Sunday School and Mrs. Behre for the Alliance.
The report of <the> Finance committee was made by Chairman Moore of same who reviewed the financial condition and prospects.
The question of fusion with the Universalist Church was reported upon by Mr. Watts, chairman of the committee from the Trustees to meet with a like body from the Universalist Church to go into the details of the matter as a preliminary step in the matter.
At this time it appeared that no indication of the position of the national body or the Y.P.C.U. of that denomination had been received so that matters so far as their side were concerned were in a rather uncertain condition as against that of ourselves who had an expression from the A.U.A.
Following the report by the chairman the matter was freely discussed by those present and after each had expressed their views pro and con, a straw ballot was taken in order to obtain the sentiment of those present without regard to making it a matter of record and which resulted in practically an even division (15 for – 13 no).
On motion by Mr. Moore it was voted that the matter be tabled. During the discussion as to the advisability of the fusion the condition of the church with reference to its growth came up in which several expressions (of a more or less forcible character Archivist: this phrase was struck from the type written meeting minutes) were rendered, the matter finally resulted in a motion by Mr. Francis to the effect that in order to admit of the church to becoming more local movement and efface any local prejudice there might now be against it though there being a considerable number of Northern people connected with it more or less prominently that the present organization vote to disband with the last meeting of the Conference or on the night of May 7th, 1908. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore. The vote taken by rising, resulted 8 in favor of the notion and 24 to continue.
A motion then offered by Mr. Spencer seconded by Mr. Perkins was to the effect that the present governing officers resign to make room for others to represent if possible a more local sentiment. This motion was finally withdrawn.
The resignation of Dr. Bowser was read, same being rendered to take effect as of the last day in April. On motion by Mr. Lederle same was referred to a committee of three (Lederle, Watts, Jackson) to confer with Dr. Bowser and to report back to a church meeting to be called later. The resignations of W.M. Francis as Clerk and of T.C. Perkins as Treasurer (to take effect May 15th) were read and accepted.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned 10.10 P.M.
Quarterly Report of Clerk.
Atlanta, April 13, 1908.
Mr. Chairman and Members-
An examination of the membership roll showed that on Jan. 1 we started with 51 local and non-resident members. This total includes only those who have in some way shown that their interest in the church was still alive either by their presence or otherwise.
Four persons have joined with us during the quarter and through the death of Mr. J.C. Peck we have lost one of those previously mentioned, leaving in total numbers 54 or a gain of three.
With one exception regular services have been held each Sunday morning; the exception being that of March 22d on which date our pastor arrange a union service with the members of the Universalist church, which some 18 of our members attended.
Two evening services have been held during this period the first on the evening of Jan. 19th at which there were 31 persons present.
The second evening service was the occasion of a union service in which the Universalist members joined and Dr. Ellenwood preached to a full house, there being approximately 135 present.
The average attendance at our morning services for the quarter has been fifty-eight. Regular and special meetings as necessary have been held by your Trustees for the proper transaction of business; the reports from committees of that body will be read .
Committee on Church Property
Mr. Chairman:-
Your committee on Church property has to report that during the quarter now ended it has had such repairs made as were absolutely necessary in order to maintain the desired safety.
At one point in the floor of the Sunday school room evidence that the sleepers had given out was noted and the necessary steps taken to put that section in safe condition
While the floor was open your Chairman made a partial examination of that section of the floor adjacent to the opening and regrets to advise that the material now in place is not in the desired condition-in fact in numerous places the sleepers have partially and in some sections to all purposes entirely disappeared. At a point under the piano the ends of the joists have no holding power and at another point in the room of the Infant Class the floor has gone down materially, the double flooring being practically all that is holding the weight. In our opinion no specific repairs can be made to any purpose and an entire new-floor of new material is considered necessary. The construction of the floor without proper ventilation has caused dry rot to attack the woodwork.
The condition of walls and woodwork speaks for itself.
The inevitable shrinking of the frame and settling of the whole has resulted in unsightly cracks which to efface would entail the repainting of the interior.
The tin roof has not been painted, for some time and should be given early attention.
Property Committee.
Report of Treasurer, Unitarian Church, Atlanta
Showing amount of subscriptions and amounts paid on each
Name |
Subscribed |
Paid |
W.M. Francis |
50.00 |
15.00 |
Mrs. Wm. Govan |
50.00 |
13.00 |
Wade P. Harding |
25.00 |
15.00 |
Mrs. Whaley |
50.00 |
15.00 |
Mr. Taaffe |
25.00 |
3.50 |
C.H. Behre |
50.00 |
20.00 |
Misses Estelle |
25.00 |
7.50 |
H.A. Smith |
25.00 |
7.00 |
Mrs. Beardsley |
10.00 |
5.00 |
Mrs. Gardiner |
12.00 |
3.50 |
D.E. Spencer |
? |
27.00 |
T.C. Perkins |
50.00 |
12.50 |
Miss Alice Ormond |
12.00 |
.00 |
Miss Hattie Martin |
25.00 |
15.00 |
A.F. Walker |
25.00 |
25.00 |
Dr. Jackson |
? 50.00 |
25.00 |
Mrs. Brownell |
? |
10.00 |
Mrs. Chesney |
? |
10.00 |
Geo. F. Fowle |
? |
10.00 |
J.R. Watts |
60.00 |
30.00 |
H.C. Scott |
40.00 |
20.00 |
J.L. Moore |
100.00 |
50.00 |
Hamilton Douglas |
50.00 |
12.50 |
Miss Angie Harding |
10.00 |
.00 |
Mr. J.E. Harding |
15.00 |
10.00 |
Mrs. Cora P. Williams |
30.00 |
.00 |
Frank Lederle and Family |
102.00 |
42.50 |
Mrs. Barilli |
? |
10.00 |
J.G. St. Amand |
? |
5.00 |
Mrs. Scott |
25.00 |
25.00 |
J.B. Young |
6.00 |
.00 |
Misses Behre |
12.00 |
.00 |
Fred Schwoon |
20.00 |
5.00 |
Woman’s Alliance |
100.00 |
100.00 |
Mrs. Holdship |
? |
25.00 |
Sunday Plate Collections |
59.31 |
Misses Behre |
18.00 |
6.00 |
J.C. Peck |
100.00 |
Total |
1,172.00 |
612.06 |
(Archivist Note handwritten comment: 28% of year gone, 39% paid, also question marks in above table were included in the original report.)
Report of Treasurer, Unitarian Church, Quarter ending April 13th, 1908
Balance on hand form 1907 |
48.02 |
American Unitarian Association |
250.00 |
Total Collections, subscriptions and plate collections |
595.06 |
Total Cash Received |
893.08 |
<Archivist Note: handwritten amount of $17.00 added after report table bring total to $910.08>
Salary, A.T. Bowser, including amount from A.U.A. |
625.00 |
Music |
50.00 |
Gas, Water and Lights |
23.23 |
Janitor |
19.25 |
Incidentals, including fuel, repairs to building and furnace, Ad. In directory and hotel directory, insurance and floral offering |
79.98 |
Total |
803.46 |
Balance |
106.62 |
910.08 |
Liabilities, due May 1st
Salary, A.T. Bowser |
125.00 |
Music in April |
16.00 |
Lights & Water (estimate) |
6.00 |
Janitor |
7.00 |
Total |
154.00 |
Cash on Hand |
106.62 |
Short |
47.38 |
Respectfully submitted,
J.C. Perkins, Treas.
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25 Folder: 06 Book: 01 Page: 328 – 329
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA