Church of Our Father – Letter, Oct 13, 1903 (Letter to Rev. Langston Regarding Resignation)
Hamilton Douglas
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Atlanta, GA.
Removed to 416, 417, 418 Century BD
Oct. 13, 1903.
Rev. Clarence C. Langston,
Dear Mr. Langston:-
As the result of the meeting of the Congregation of our parish at the Church of Our Father last night, the undersigned were appointed as a committee to wait on you for a conference with reference to your resignation, the committee being directed to report back to the Congregation at the conclusion of service on next Sunday morning.
Our committee was directed to acquaint you with the fact that your resignation was, by unanimous vote, laid on the table pending this conference with you. We were further directed to tell you of the undivided love and affection in which you are held by our entire Church and to express the hope that you might reconsider your action and remain with us in your present relation as pastor.
The same resolutions stated it as the judgment of those present, the most active workers of the Church, that they could not in the future pay any more money on account of salary because of inability to raise same from the present Congregation.
We reduced the resolutions to writing that they may be conveyed to you with substantial accuracy. It is expected of us that we should have further conference with you on the matter. Should such conference not result in changing your determination our Congregation will beyond question desire to take other additional action which will express their high regard for you.
Sincerely yours,
<no signatures appear in original document>
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25 Folder: 04 Book: 01 Pages: 239
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA