Atlanta, Ga. Jun 29, 1902 A meeting of the church was held this morning after the sermon for the purpose of voting on certain names for membership. The following names were presented. Mrs. Janison V. Bayright Mrs. Estelle G. Allen …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jun 29, 1902 (New Members Elected) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Jun 6, 1902 The regular monthly business meeting of the board was held tonight and in the absence of President Hubner, Dr. McGlauflin presided. The minutes of the last regular convention were read and approved. The treasurer reported …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Jun 6, 1902 (Solicit More Pledges) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. May 5, 1902 The regular monthly business meeting of the church board of directors was held tonight with President Hubner in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting of the board and called meeting of church …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, May 5, 1902 (Solicit More Pledges) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. May 4, 1902 A business meeting of the church was held today before the service with Dr. McGlauflin presiding. The following names were presented for membership: W.B. Johnston Lilly M. Johnston On motion they were duly elected J.C. …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, May 4, 1902 (New Members Elected) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Apr 7, 1902 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board for April met at the study of Dr. McGlauflin with President Hubner in the chair. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings of the board …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Apr 7, 1902 (General Business) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Mar 28, 1902 A business meeting of the church was held in the Sunday school room of the church on above date with Dr. McGlauflin in the chair. James Harvey was elected Secretary, pro tem. The following names …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Mar 28, 1902 (New Members Elected) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Mar 10, 1902 The regular monthly business meeting of the Board was held on the evening of March the 10 at the house of the Secretary # 111 Ivy St. The minutes of the last regular meeting were …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Mar 10, 1902 (Music Committee Report) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 12, 1902 The newly elected Board of Directors met tonight for the regular monthly business meeting of February with the following members present: President, C.W. Hubner, Secretary, J.C. Bond; Treasurer, F.M. Marsh; B.W. Zetter, N.V. Perry and …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Feb 12, 1902 (General Business) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 5, 1902 The annual meeting and supper of the First Universalist Church was held tonight in the Sunday school room of the church with about seventy persons present. The ladies of the church had prepared a very …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Feb 5, 1902 (Annual Meeting) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Feb 2, 1902 A called meeting of the board was held at the church today for the purpose of determining the date of the annual meeting. After some discussion it was decided to hold said annual meeting on …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Feb 2, 1902 (Determine Annual Meeting Date) Read more »