Atlanta, Ga. Dec 10, 1900 The regular meeting the church board was had at above place and time; the session being held in the parlor of the First Universalist Church, Chairman R.M. Crone in the chair, others present were treasurer …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Dec 10, 1900 (Building Update) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov.7, 1900 Universalist Church A call(ed) meeting of the board of directors was had in the parlor of the church on the above date. The matter of the furnace was first taken up. The Furnace Committee reported that …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Nov 7, 1900 (Furnace Update) Read more »

Atlanta Ga Sep 6, 1900 A regular business meeting of the Board was held in the Sunday School room on the evening of Sep. 6, 1900. The following persons being present President Crone, Treasurer Marsh, Secretary Bond, Dr. McGlauflin, Mr. …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Sep 6, 1900 (Building Discussion) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga Aug 26, 1900. Universalist Church A called meeting of Board was held on the date above for the purpose of electing delegates to the Georgia State Convention of Universalists which convening at Mulberry Church in Jackson County, Ga. …

First Universalist Church – Meeting Minutes, Aug 26, 1900 (Elect Delegates) Read more »

From the Realm of Religion Column Unitarian Church of Our Father, temporary place of meeting Women’s Club room in the Grand.  Service at 11 o’clock. Rev. F.A. Bisbee, D.D., editor of the Universalist Leader will preach.  Dr. Bisbee is visiting …

Newspaper Notice – Temporary Location of Church of Our Father / Universalist Dedicated New Church Read more »

June 17, 1900 At office of R.M. Crone. Meeting called to order by chairman, those present were Fincher, Marsh, Crone and Dr. McGlauflin. Mr. Fincher’s resignation as secretary was offered and accepted. Report of secretary was not given by reason …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Jun 17, 1900 (Carpenter Strike) Read more »

May 1, 1900 Board Meeting at Mr. Thrower’s office Present Crone, Marsh, Thrower, Dr. McGlauflin and Fincher. Minutes of last meeting read and accepted as corrected. Treasurer Marsh reported collection on current expense fund for the year had been $96.29. …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, May 1, 1900 (Financial Discussions) Read more »

April 5, 1900 Board Meeting  at office of Mr. Thrower. Present Crone, J.C. Bond, Marsh, Dr. McGlauflin and Fincher Minutes of meeting of January 29th read and accepted. Treasurer Marsh reported amounts received Viz from former Treasurer Gill on building …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Apr 5, 1900 (Financial Discussion) Read more »

March 11, 1900 A special meeting of the members was called after the sermon by Dr. McGlauflin and the following were voted in as active members of the church: Mrs. Mary E. Light, G.F. Marshall and Mrs. Ada Marshall. All …

First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Mar 11, 1900 (New Members Inducted) Read more »