Atlanta, Ga. Jul 20, 1891 Special meeting of the Church of Our Father called by the Trustees. The hour (8 o’clock PM) having arrived, the meeting was called to order by Bro. J.Y. Dixon. Bro. S.C. Morley was elected chairman …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes of Jul 20, 1891 (Call Rev. Cole As Pastor) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 3, 1890 The regular annual meeting of the members of the Church of Our Father was held at the church this evening at eight o’clock. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Chaney. Mr. Harding presented …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes of Nov 3, 1890 (Annual Meeting) Read more »

Church of Our Father, Atlanta, Ga Report of Special Committee The Special Committee appointed at the Annual meeting of the Church of Our Father, held November 3rd, 1890, to draft resolution expressive of the heart-felt regret of the members in …

Church of our Father – Document Nov 3, 1890 (Resolution of Thanks to Rev. Chaney) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 1, 1888 (Archivist: No specific date in original notes; used Nov 1) Meeting called to order at 8:20 pm. Mr. Gude chosen chairman. The meeting was opened by prayer by Mr. Chaney. In (the) absence of the …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes Nov  1, 1888 (Annual Meeting) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 7, 1887 Fifth Annual Meeting of the Members of the Church of Our Father held in the Ladies Room of the chapel. Monday evening Nov. 7, 1887. Members Present: Rev. G.L. Chaney, Messrs. Gude, Norrman, Fisher, Winslow, …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes Nov 7, 1887 (Fifth Annual Meeting) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 15, 1886 Fourth Annual Meeting of the member of the Church of Our Father in the Ladies Room of the church. Members Present: Mesdames Morrill, Powers, Fisher, Winslow, Klingelsmith and Van Pelt and Miss Cooledge and Miss …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes Nov 15, 1886 (Fourth Annual Meeting) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Jul 18, 1886 Meeting of the members of the Church of Our Father at the church. Rev. Mr. Chaney called the meeting to order and stated that the object of the meeting was to lay before them the …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes Jul 18, 1886 (Delegates to Conference) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 9, 1885 Annual meeting of Church of Our Father Members present: Mesdames Center, Fisher, Klingelsmith, Lederle, Winslow, Hodge, Dixon, Powers, Gude and Chaney. Messrs. Chaney, Hodge, Dixon, Burris, Norrman, Winslow, Fisher and Klingelsmith. Reading of the minutes …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes of Nov 9, 1885 (Annual Meeting) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Jan 11, 1855 Special meeting of Member of Church of Our Father in Ladies Room. Mr. Gude was called to chair. Mr. Chaney stated that the business before the meeting was the election of two delegate to the meeting …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes of Jan 11, 1885 (Elect Delegate) Read more »

Atlanta, Ga. Nov 3, 1884 Annual meeting of Church of Our Father Members present: Mesdames Morrill, Gude, Center, Hodge, Winslow and Miss Cooledge and Center. Messrs. Morely, Lederle, Winslow, Norrman, Harding, Hodge, Gude ad Klingelsmith. Meeting opened with prayer by …

Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes Nov 3, 1884 (Annual Meeting) Read more »