Like Sunshine

Dear Friends,

At 11:30 am this morning, I stepped out of the Tampa Bay International Airport and into 80-degree weather and sunshine. My light wool black sweater and cotton scarf around my neck immediately felt like they weighed one hundred pounds. Observing the tanned, short-sleeved locals working in the terminal shops and driving the shuttle vans, I knew that it was time to begin my transition, too – not only to lighter clothing, but also a transition to student and colleague.

This week in Florida, I will be participating in the second annual CENTER Institute for Ministerial Excellence, a week-long intensive professional development program coordinated by the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association. Over 400 UU ministers from throughout the U.S. and Canada are gathering here to retool, recharge, and reconnect, with the goal of gaining new insights, information, and skills that contribute to our leadership growth.

I’m very grateful that Northwest supports my participation in these programs. This week for me is like a splash of sunshine . . . light will be shed on new ways of thinking that I hope to bring back to our congregation. And, I’ll have some very important time to connect with colleagues, exchange ideas, and warmly support one another.

I expect to return to Atlanta glowing.

