Art Gallery

Our Northwest Art Gallery is forlorn.

Could you help us?  We would like to hang original art by members or their family members in the Gallery. Please contact Helene Johnson if you can share your art (including photography) for October through November. 

Two dimensional art must be framed and have wire on the back for hanging. Please submit information on the label/s including TITLE, Artist’s name, Medium (ie, oil, watercolor, mixed, etc), size and price (or NFS if not for sale). 

Our Northwest Art Gallery is forlorn. Read More »

June 18, 2015 Art Gallery Opens Displaying Work of Northwest Artists Phil and June Mask

Five members of Northwest, including Reverend Terry Davis, attended the gala opening of Phil and June Mask’s art in their private gallery.  We celebrated June’s birthday(plus 1 day!) which coincided with the visit.

June Mask discusses the beauty of the early afternoon light
June Mask discusses the beauty of the early afternoon light








Phil has been a photographer since his boyhood days in Mobile AL.  His earliest work was done with a Kodak Brownie!  An avid cyclist, Phil met June and first asked her for a date after riding past her and returning to stop and talk.

2015-06-18 11.47.17

June’s acrylic paintings glow with the reflection of the light en plein air.

Members of Northwest since 1992, June and Phil took up acrylic painting in the mid-90’s after observing wonders of the world in China, Egypt, India, France, Canada, and other stops on their globe-trots.

The gallery is open for private showings.  Contact either Phil or June at (770) 953-3753 for an appointment.


June 18, 2015 Art Gallery Opens Displaying Work of Northwest Artists Phil and June Mask Read More »

Favorite Photographer Returns to Art Gallery

Phil Zenner, one of Northwest’s favorite artists, will be showing in our art gallery for the third time beginning Sunday January 5 and continuing through Sunday February 23. His artistry continues to evolve in creative and beautiful ways.

Here’s what he tells us about his motivation:

I deeply admire the beauty of the natural world around us. There is almost nothing that I enjoy more than capturing that beauty and bringing the loveliest aspects of the outdoors inside to decorate and enhance people’s living and working spaces! In our often too-busy lives, we usually don’t spend as much time as we’d like outdoors. That’s one reason that I enjoy giving people like you an opportunity to simply glance upward at your walls for a bit of that beauty!

Phil notes that each year he aspires to grow in his ability to actually produce the images he notices in nature and visualize in his mind’s eye. And he seeks to present fresh perspectives on common themes. It’s his hope you will find nature, and these naturally inspired images, as beautiful as he does.

Mark your calendar now and plan to attend the art reception to honor Phil on Sunday January 12 after service. If you‘d like to make a purchase or have a question, please contact Kitty Meyers at 770.493.3543.

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The Photography of Phil Zenner

Phil Zenner will once again be showing in our art gallery for the third time beginning Sunday flowerJanuary 5 and continuing through Sunday February 23. His artistry continues to evolve in creative and beautiful ways.

Phil notes that each year he aspires to grow in his ability to actually produce the images he notices in nature and visualize in his mind’s eye. And he seeks to present fresh perspectives on common themes. It’s his hope you will find nature, and these naturally inspired images, as beautiful as he does.

Mark your calendar now and plan to attend the art reception to honor Phil on Sunday January 12 after service. If you‘d like to make a purchase or have a question, please contact Kitty Meyers at 770.493.3543.

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