Each spring during the annual pledge campaign, we all submit our projected contributions for the next church year. At the conclusion of the campaign our Board of Trustees builds next year’s budget which will be approved by the congregation.

This is a great time to discuss what we’d like to accomplish next year, who we’d like to be together, and what our impact in the community will be. Please take some time to consider how you and your family will be able to contribute next year.

Each spring during the annual pledge campaign, we all submit our projected contributions for the next church year. At the conclusion of the campaign our Board of Trustees builds next year’s budget which will be approved by the congregation.

This is a great time to discuss what we’d like to accomplish next year, who we’d like to be together, and what our impact in the community will be. Please take some time to consider how you and your family will be able to contribute next year.


When is the pledge campaign this year?  

Our 2024-2025 Annual Pledge Campaign starts March 1st and ends March 31st 2023.

Who is expected to pledge?

We accept pledges from everyone! Please consider pledging if you are a member or friend of NWUUC.

What should I pledge? 

This year in addition to your monetary pledge, please include your time and talent pledge.

Where can I submit my pledge?

This year, please fill out your pledge information online by clicking the button below.

How do I pledge?

Fill out the Google form to submit your pledge.

How much should my monetary pledge be? 

You are empowered to select the pledge amount that feels right to you. Feel free to use the below UUA Suggested Fair Share Contribution Guide as a starting point.

Why should I pledge? 

Every May, the congregation votes to approve a budget funding NWUUC for the following church year. Please submit an estimate of all planned giving for the 2024-2025 year during the pledge campaign so we can create the most accurate budget possible. 

I have more questions. Who should I contact?

Please email any additional questions to Gwen Kahn and Melissa Niedermeyer at stewardship@nwuuc.org or contact a member of the Pledge Campaign Committee.