A Time of Revelation

Sept. 7, 2012

I stayed up much too late last night watching the Democratic National Convention on television. A line from Michelle Obama’s speech caught my attention. She said, “I have seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. No, it reveals who you are.”

Her comment reminded me that roles that combine leadership and service – roles that abound in a faith community – are also opportunities for discovery and vulnerability. I learn about my strengths and weaknesses . . . and others see these traits in me, too.

As an example, I’m what I call a “recovering perfectionist.” I’m idealistic and strive for excellence in what I do . . . and I also can be unrealistic and take on too much. Being okay with things being “good enough” has been a slow journey for me. But, the more I am able to do this, the more peace and freedom I experience. Being free from perfectionism ultimately makes it possible for me to engage more deeply in meaningful activities in my professional and personal life.

As we kick-off the new program year Northwest with our water communion service and other planned activities, there will be plenty of opportunities for leadership and service. I believe it can also be a rich time of revelation as it brings up important personal questions, such as Who am I? What do I have to offer? Where do I need to grow? I look forward to discovering answers with you . . . and with mutual support and compassion