Woman’s Union – Meeting Minutes Sep 13, 1921 (Several Financial Reports)

Sept 13, 1921

The September meeting of the Woman’s Union which was to have been held at Mrs. Draper’s new country home convened at Mrs. Greene’s ever ready home 88 Lucile Ave. because Mrs. Draper’s home was entirely too new. We are assured of a warm welcome by Mrs. Draper when their home is completed.

After an animated discussion as to the possibilities of growth in liberal churches and other topics on the pleasant verandah, the members were called in to enjoy an excellent luncheon.

That pleasant task satisfactorily disposed of we assembled in the living room for the business meeting. In the absence of the president and the vice-president, the secretary called the meeting to order after which all united in the Lord’s Prayer.

A motion was carried that Mrs. Gaylord act as chairman pro tem.

The minutes of the June meeting were read (Archivist Note: No June meeting notes are found in the archives) and approved.

No business was conducted at the July meeting (Archivist Note: No July meeting notes are found in the archives), but the chair of the program committee reported a royal time at Mrs. Fisher’s country home.

The treasurer read the following report which was accepted:

Balance on hand Jun 1st $65.53
June 14 pledge money $13.40
June 30 pledge money $7.00
Total $89.93
June 14 to Mrs. Hollingsworth for caps and cottas for choir $5.15
June 10 to Mr. Hollingsworth on church pledge $75.00
Total $80.15
Bal July 1st $9.78

July Report

Bal on hand Jul 1st $9.78
Pledge money $10.25
Total $20.13
No Disbursements
Bal Aug 1st $20.13

August Report

Bal on hand Aug 1st $20.13
Pledge money .60
Total $20.73
Aug 1 One can Preventol $1.00
Aug 28 Flowers for Mrs. Shirley $5.00
Total $6.00
Bal on hand Sept 1st $14.73

The Union decided to again take orders for Xmas card and novelties.

Inasmuch as the program arranged for the day could not be carried out, Mrs. Green, who like nature abhors a vacuum, presented excerpts from a paper on Health Provisions for State Laws Relating to Children prepared by Mr. Faulkner of the Raoul Foundation.

It was decided to ask Mrs. Edwards to have the sewing meeting at her home in October.

Looking eagerly forward to a year of renewed activity, the meeting was adjourned.

R.G. Faulkner, secy.

Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 60   Folder: 03
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA