Woman’s Union – Meeting Minutes Dec 2, 1919 (Children’s Christmas Preparation)
December 2, 1919
The Woman’s Union met at the home of Mrs. Hamilton Douglas on the above date, the vice-president, Mrs. W.A. Edwards presiding.
After repeating the Lord’s Prayer, the minutes for the October meeting were read and approved. On account of the absence of both the president and vice-president no business was transacted when a few members met at Mrs. Edwards despite the rain.
Those present at the December meeting were Mrs. Keirn, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs. Draper, Mrs. Hollingsworth, Miss S.E. Estill, Miss E. Estill.
Mrs. Edwards said she had received a letter from Mrs. Perry in which she spoke of attending the Universalist church and the work of that church. She asked to be informed when our bazaar would be held, as she wanted to donate some articles.
Mrs. Lewis, vice-president of the Alliance for the Southern States wrote a letter asking for a report from the Union. It was to be sent before December the first, but as the vice-president (was away in November) the letter was not read until this date.
However the recording secretary said that she could send the send the one that had been read before the annual meeting of the church in November. This the vice-president said she might do. It was mailed to Mrs. Lewis the next day.
The Christmas Tree for the Sunday school was discussed, Mrs. Edwards informing the members that the Sunday school would take charge of the tree and presents for it, though any one not in the Sunday school could donate articles or money also.
It was decided to ask each woman member of the church to furnish a substantial sandwich made from one loaf of bread and cheese or meat. Mrs. Draper would take charge of the tea and coffee and Mrs. Edwards the chocolate for the Kindergarten, and the other young children. Mrs. Faulkner would see to the table of the Kindergarten children.
Mrs. White would be asked to see to the decorations of the assembly room. Tuesday evening, Dec. thirty was decided upon for this event.
After the business was finished, Mrs. Rose in the absence of her mother entertained the members with tea and cakes, which were much enjoyed.
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60 Folder: 03
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA