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The Digital Archive project is a continuous work in progress.  This page provides updates on new functionality and documents added to the archive.

Release date January 2, 2017

Release date November 18, 2016

Release date September 5, 2016

  • Uploaded meeting minutes for the Liberal Christian Church for 1915 – 1926
  • Correspondence of the Liberal Christian Church seeking a new minister in 1947
  • Modified results page for results to display more items meeting search criteria
  • History Summary of Northwest Unitarian Church dated Nov 1972
  • Unitarian and Universalist Atlanta History Summary 1879 to 2003
  • Academic paper: Unitarians and Universalists of the Southeastern United States During the 19th Century  (Cory)

Release date January 30, 2016

Suspended displaying table of recently uploaded entries.

Release date December 15, 2015

Release date October 13, 2015

DocumentOct 11, 1905 MoM - MoM Quarterly meeting of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Rev. Sanborn called as pastor of the church.
DocumentOct 15, 1905 MoM - Meeting after service of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Rev. Sanborn accepts call to be pastor of church. "Mr. Sanborn's remarks were very touching and when he uttered the words "I will remain with you" an outburst of applause ran through the entire church, lasting several minutes and a regular love feast took place on disbanding."
DocumentDec 31, 1905 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. Appoint a nominating committee to select names to be voted upon in January 1906 as officers of the church.
DocumentJan 8, 1906 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of The Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Full reports from Treasurer, Sunday School, Clerk and Nominating Committee. Information on average attendance is provided. By-laws changes are also approved.
DocumentJan 10, 1906. MoM Report from the Nominating Committee recommending names to be Deacons of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. By-law changes at the Annual Meeting on Jan 8, 1906 created the Board of Deacons. "said Board to act with the Pastor in all spiritual matters."
DocumentJan 14, 1906 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. Deacons and Deaconsess voted upon. Resolution passed to have the minister, Rev. Sanborn Moore, to preach four sermons at the Opera House starting Jan 23, 1906. New member, Walter Chaney, received the right hand of fellowship. Archivist: There was no entry in the membership book for Walter Chaney; added that entry with appropriate comments.
DocumentJan 14, 1906 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. New members "receive the right hand of fellowship." Archivist: There were no entries in the membership book for these new members; added entries with appropriate comments.
DocumentApr 1, 1906 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. New members "receive the right hand of fellowship." Archivist: There were no entries in the membership book for these new members; added entries with appropriate comments.
DocumentApr 29, 1906 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. Elected delegates to attend the Southern Conference of Unitarian churches to be held in Louisville, Ky in May 1906.
DocumentMay 6, 1906 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. Elected delegates to attend meeting of the American Unitarian Association in Boston May 21 - 27, 1907.
DocumentJun 19, 1906 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Summary of church attendance shows an average of 110. Detailed financial report provided.
DocumentJun 24, 1906 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta meeting called after service. New members "receive the right hand of fellowship." Archivist: There were no entries in the membership book for some of these new members; added entries with appropriate comments.
DocumentAug 14, 1904 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta special called meeting. "Mr. Moore presented the resignation of Moore Sanborn as pastor of the Church to take effect September 1, 1906 and in presenting the resignation of Mr. Sanborn, further stated that he had a letter from Mr. Sanborn in which he indicated that it was his intention to return to business."
DocumentNov 25, 1906 MoM of regular morning service of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. "At the regular morning services held this day, Mr. T.C. Perkins and Mrs. Alice Spratley Perkins presented their young son William Cossley Perkins who was christened by Rev. Rush R. Shippen."
DocumentDec 30, 1904 MoM of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta special called meeting. Elect a nominating committee to identify nominations for officers for 1907.
DocumentJan 9, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM special meeting to read correspondence from Bro. Harris regarding calling him to the pastorate of the church.
DocumentJan 11, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Mention of the health of Mrs. Harris. "Dr. McGlauflin was instructed to keep in constant touch with Bro. Harris as to Mrs. Harris's condition, etc."
DocumentJan 17, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of business meeting immediately after service. New members voted into church.
DocumentFeb 8, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentMar 8, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. "quotas to Japan and the General Convention be deferred till the next meeting of the Board. "
DocumentApr 5, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Ten dollars were allocated to the Japan and General Convention.
DocumentMay 6, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Also action was taken to apply for a line of credit from an Atlanta bank for $300.00 "to meet our obligations promptly."
DocumentJun 8, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentAug 29, 1904 Called meeting to "for the purpose of electing delegates to the convention to be held at Canon, Ga. on Sep. 1st."
DocumentNov 21, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. No money report in hands of treasurer.
DocumentDec 14, 1904 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. No money reported on hand by Treasurer. Voted to "make out a list of balances due by subscribers and turn same over to Mrs. Cottingham who had kindly consented to collect same. The question of night services was taken up and after much discussion, it was decided to discontinue our regular Sunday evening services till further action by the board on the matter."
DocumentJan 6, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of special board meeting. "The situation of the church was discussed also the matter of Bro. Harris serving as pastor of another year. The Board took the position in view of the remarks of Bro. Harris on Sunday January 1st that he did not expect to remain in Atlanta longer than Feb. 1st. The Secy was instructed to write the central board for advice on the matter and in case a change was made to let us know what they thought of Paul Tyner for a successor."
DocumentDec 25, 1904 MoM of Church meeting called after service. Elect a nominating committee "to nominate candidates to be voted for at the annual meeting of the church to be held on the second Monday in January 1905."
DocumentJan 22, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of special meeting of the church. Discussion on whether Bro. Harris should be called as a pastor. " a letter received from the president of the National Y.P.C.U. (Archivist Young People's Christian Union). This letter stated that it seemed to be the unanimous opinion of all concerning that Bro. Harris was not the man for the pastor of the Atlanta church."
DocumentFeb 1, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of a called meeting of the church. The purpose of the meeting was to consider "the resignation of Bro. Harris as pastor of the Atlanta church. Bro. Harris in his resignation stated that he had received a call  to the church at Pittsburg, Pa. That the call was a most urgent one and that  under the circumstances he did not feel as though he could refuse to accept." Archivist Note: No day in February was noted in the original meeting minutes. Use Feb 1st.
DocumentMar 8, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting Board of Directors. Financial settlement for Bro. Harris, former pastor, outlined. Request to have Rev. Tyner fill pulpit for five Sundays and "Secy was instructed to write Mr. Ames as to availability of Bro. H.F. Fister for this Atlanta Church."
DocumentApr 2, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting Board of Directors. Decision by the Board to call Rev. Tyner as pastor. Resolution unanimously agreed upon, "That it is the sense of this board that we extend a pastoral call to the Rev Paul Tyner believing that he will prove a great help to us in building up our church and further believing that we will not be able to secure a better man."

Meeting minutes from the Unitarian Church of Atlanta.  Church of Our Father renamed in 1904. Records in this update from Oct 1905 to Dec 1906.  Records from the Universalist from Jan 1904 to Apr 1905

[table “32” not found /]

Release date October 1, 2015

DocumentSignature book for the Church of Our Father. Signatures of people who joined the church 1883 - 1912
DocumentApr 27, 1896 MoM - A special Church meeting was called to nominate delegates to the Southern Conference at Louisville.
DocumentNov 1, 1897 MoM - Annual meeting of the Church of Our Father is fixed by the Constitution for today. No quorum being present, it was resolved to adjourn the meeting until Monday, Nov. 15th at 8 PM and notice to that effect be given by our pastor, Rev. W.S. Vail.
DocumentNov 9, 1896 MoM - Annual meeting of the members of the Church of Our Father. Officers elected and reports presented. Special Sunday School (S.S.) committee was formed.
DocumentJan 8, 1900 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Meeting noted that "a lot had been selected, paid for and the title passed" for the building of the second Unitarian church in Atlanta. It was voted to call Rev. Clarence Langston of Boston as the minister.
DocumentJan 21, 1900 MoM - Special Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Meeting called based on letter from Secy of American Unitarian Association, Mr. Eliot regarding salary of newly called minister, Rev. Langston. Salary, set in Annual Meeting held Jan 1, 1900, adjusted from $1,200 to $1,400.
DocumentMar 25, 1900 MoM - Special Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Resolution passed thanking Mr. C.C. Chillingworth for conducting lay services for five months in the interim between the departure of Rev. Vail and arrival of Rev. Langston.
DocumentApr 29, 1900 MoM - Special Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. "The resignation of Mr. J.B. Frost as a Trustee of the Church was received and accepted. Upon motion, Mr. C.C. Chillingworth was elected to fill the vacancy."
DocumentApr 8, 1901 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Church of Our Father. Rev. Langston made frank assessment of the church. "The most noticeable failing of members was in want of cordiality to strangers and it was requested that each one consider himself a member of the receiving committee." Rev. Langston also noted that the Sunday School " was the most unsatisfactory part of the Church." Action taken to address observations. Also "An informal discussion was held upon the need of some form of admission to the church." A committee of three was appointed to look into the question. Information on death of Thomas Kennedy.
DocumentJul 8, 1901 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Church of Our Father. Discussion continued on adopting "some form of admission to membership in the church." Other discussion on the format of the service.
DocumentJan 13, 1902 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Various reports read (none found in archive). One report not seen before was from the Young People's Religious Union. Officers elected. More discuss on new service book for worship service.
DocumentApr 21, 1902 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Church of Our Father. Continued discussion on form of worship service. Information on Sunday attendance provided for Feb 16 to Apr 20. Average attendance was 54. Treasurer's report included.
DocumentSep 9, 1902 MoM - Special Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. "Mrs. Langston was called upon to explain the condition of the library." Also discussion on the quorum needed to conduct business. Informal meeting held. "..the meeting resolved to declare itself an informal session and requested the library committee to get a report together and hand in to a later called meeting of the Church, to decide upon the library conditions, whereupon the meeting adjourned."
DocumentOct 13, 1901 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Church of Our Father. Treasurer's report, report on library and change to church constitution on members needed in quorum to conduct business.
DocumentJan 12, 1903 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Detailed financial report with list of subscriptions. Officers elected. Encouraging news reported on Sunday school. Proposal made and accepted to support a Unitarian room at the Home of Incurables. Discussion of visit of Rev. Thomas R. Slicer from New York.
DocumentApr 13, 1903 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Church of Our Father. Change to by-laws regarding election of Sunday School officers. Detailed financial report.
DocumentOct 12, 1903 MoM - Quarterly meeting of the Church of Our Father. Rev. C.A. Langston tenders his resignation as pastor of the church. "...Mr. Langston spoke with feeling of the loyalty of the members of the parish, giving his reason for tendering his resignation as pastor, was owing to the fact that living in Atlanta was very expensive, that it was necessary for him to retrench, which he thought could be better done in a new field, than could be done in Atlanta." A committee of three is assembled to ask Rev. Langston to re-consider. Full financial report included in minutes.
DocumentOct 13, 1903 Letter to Rev. Langston from committee formed on October 12, 1903 asking Rev. Langston to reconsider his resignation and indicating that " that they could not in the future pay any more money on account of salary because of inability to raise same from the present Congregation."
DocumentOct 16, 1903 Letter from Hamilton Douglas assigned to discuss Rev. Langston's resignation as pastor of the Church of Our Father to John L. Moore, chairman of the Board of Trustees, indicating that Rev. Langston has reconsidered his resignation.
DocumentOct 15, 1903. Letter from Rev. Langston to Hamilton Douglas committee member tasked to ask Rev. Langston to reconsider his resignation at pastor of the Church of Our Father. Rev. Langston reconsiders and withdraws his resignation. Original resignation was over salary. Rev. Langston indicating the cost of living in Atlanta.
DocumentOct 26, 1906 MoM - Adjourned meeting (Oct 10, 1903) of the Church of Our Father. Rev. Langston's reconsideration of his resignation as pastor of the church "was ratified unanimously by members present and was indicated by a rising vote."
DocumentDec 27, 1906 MoM - Special meeting of the Church of Our Father. "...for the purpose of electing a committee on nominations to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees, whose terms expire with the close of business for the year 1903."
DocumentJan 11, 1904 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Complete set of detailed reports from the treasurer, clerk, minister, woman's alliance and Sunday school are included.
DocumentFeb 14, 1904 MoM - Meeting after service of the Church of Our Father. New service book voted to be purchased. "it was further voted that the service books now in use be forwarded to the Chattanooga Church by express, charges prepaid, with the compliments of the Atlanta church."
DocumentJul 11, 1904 MoM - MoM Quarterly meeting of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Treasurer reports having $6.96 in hand. "Mr. Behre made some suggestions looking toward getting the young men of the Technological School interested in our church service and to that end moved that a committee of three be appointed to confer with Dr. Jackson and President Hall."
DocumentNov 13, 1904 MoM of Church meeting called after service. Elect delegate to Southern Confernce to be held in Charleston, S.C.
DocumentDec 25, 1904 MoM of Church meeting called after service. Elect a nominating committee "to nominate candidates to be voted for at the annual meeting of the church to be held on the second Monday in January 1905."
DocumentJan 9, 1905 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of The Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Full reports from the Clerk, Sunday School (with financial statement), Woman's Alliance (with financial statement). Detailed financial report with list of subscriptions. Treasurer included extended comments covering how he became engaged in the church. Also included in a eight year summary of amounts of subscriptions raised and financial support from the American Unitarian Association from 1897 - 1904. In his minister's report, Rev. Langston noted, "The numerical strength of this church has been increased by two, the smallest gain in four years." The report continues that average attendance has been 55 or less. Rev. Langston offers, "we ought to have average attendance of at least one hundred."
DocumentMay 21, 1905 MoM - Meeting after service of the Church of Our Father. Special meeting called to accept resignation of Rev. C. A. Langston as pastor of the church.

Meeting minutes from the Church of our Father. 1896, 1900 – 1905

Release date May 20, 2015

Meeting minutes of the First Universalist Church 1903

DocumentJan 6, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Annual banquet scheduled for January 15.
DocumentJan 15, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM Annual Meeting. Reports from the president, Sunday school, Young People's Christian Union (YPCU) and pastor. Very detailed financial report presented showing income and outlays, progress on debt, etc. List of members who were inducted into membership is provided. Officers elected. Plan to advertise to professional class in Atlanta discussed.
DocumentFeb 3, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Committee to advertise to professional call ("committee of propagation") was expanded with several members named.
DocumentMar 9, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Mention of series of sermons preached by Rev. Ross and Rev. Bisbee extending from March 1 - 9. Also see Newspaper clippings around these dates for more information.
DocumentApr 13, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentMay 25, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentJun 29, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Action take to borrow $150 to take up loan with Neal Loan and Banking. Decided to have no "preaching services during the pastor’s absence on his vacation."
DocumentSep 13, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM called meeting of church. Election of delegates and alternates for Universalist Convention to be held in Waleska, GA.
DocumentSep 14, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Includes bill for "frescoing church." "Dr. McGlauflin explained that on the advice of several members of the Board he had employed a gentleman to fresco the church; that the job was now complete and was a very nice job."
DocumentOct 18, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM special meeting "held tonight to consider the call Dr. McGlauflin had received to the Superintendency of Minn., Wisc. & Iowa. A committee was appointed for the purpose of urging Dr. McGlauflin not to accept the call."
DocumentOct 18, 1903 - Resolutions drafted by the congregation for the First Universalist Church of Atlanta presented to Dr. McGlauflin that "urge him to remain here continuing his consecrated work for the promotion of Christian truth and righteousness, and the upbuilding of our church for the still greater usefulness in the future." Dr. McGlauflin has received a call to the Superintendency of the states of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
DocumentNov 11, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentNov 16, 1903 minutes of meeting First Universalist Church of Atlanta when Dr. McGlauflin formally submits his resignation as pastor of the church. Appears that a verbatim transcript of his remarks were recorded in the meeting minutes. Very powerful and moving comments rendered by Dr. McGlauflin.
DocumentDec 7, 1903 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.

Release date May 19, 2015

Meeting minutes of the First Universalist Church 1902

DocumentJan 8, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting discussing payment of costs for painting church and other items. Organist resigned but Dr. McGlauflin is asked to see if organist will play until annual meeting / supper.
DocumentFeb 2, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Decided to hold annual meeting on Feb 5, 1902.
DocumentFeb 5, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of annual meeting. Financial report showing substantial debt reduction from previous year. Call to make a pledge and pay one's subscription pledge. Summary of reports in meeting minutes from the pastor, Rev. McGlauflin, Women's Mission Circle, Young People's Christian Union and Sunday school. New board members elected. New members inducted into the church.
DocumentFeb 12, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. General business discussion on bill paying.
DocumentMar 10, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. General business discussion on bill paying. Music Committee formed at the previous board meeting on Feb 12 reported services had been secured for singing and playing of the organ. Board members to be install at morning service on March 16th.
DocumentMar 28, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM business meeting of the church. Names presented for membership. All were "duly and unanimously elected."
DocumentApr 07, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Accounting of expenses (e.g. janitor, music (Cawthon, Cramer and Smith), Gas, etc.
DocumentMay 4, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of business meeting. New people elected into church membership.
DocumentMay 5, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills, action to be taken to identify members not yet making a pledge and attempt to obtain a pledge. Moved by the board to discontinue the evening service until "further action by the board."
DocumentJun 6, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Secretary Bond reported (based on action initiated at the last meeting) that four new subscribers had been add to the contributor list bring subscriptions up to $799.00
DocumentJun 29, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM business meeting of the church. Names presented for membership. All were "duly and unanimously elected."
DocumentJul 6, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentAug 20, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Dr. McGlauflin reported that wheb on vacation he received funds for the organ fund from the National Young People's Christian Union (YPCU) and funds from a church in Maine. Orders to pay bill drawn. Dr. McGlauflin asked to see Mrs. Allen regarding playing the organ.
DocumentSep 10, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Miss Cawthon, the church organist has moved away from the city. Dr. McGlauflin has secured the services of Mrs. Allen as organist for same price paid to Miss Cawthon. Mr. Graham West elected as usher.
DocumentOct 2, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM called meeting of the church. Names presented for membership. All were elected.
DocumentOct 2, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM called meeting of the church. Meeting called to elect delegates to the Georgia Universalist Convention that meets in Atlanta, Ga. from Oct 2 to 5th.
DocumentOct 8, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills. Estimated expense of entertaining delegates to Convention was found to be about $13.00 (see MoM Oct 2, 1902).
DocumentNov 3, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.
DocumentDec 10, 1902 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting. Payment of bills.

Release date May 12, 2015

Meeting minutes of the Woman’s Union from 1921 – 1922.

DocumentJan 11, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Treasurer's report, letter read from National Alliance, committee chairs elected and program for 1921 outlined.
DocumentFeb 8, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Treasurer's report provided, visiting committee formed "to call upon prospective and new church members in this way assist the pastor to promote good fellowship among the congregation." Program on Juvenile Court held.
DocumentMar 8, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Treasurer's report provided, there was a brief discussion of the Juvenile Court, discussion on Alliance work in Providence, RI from "Mrs. Williams C. Greene, president of the First Congregational Alliance of Providence R.I. and mother-in-law of our Mrs. Greene." Final presentation on the Scottish Rite Crippled Children’s Home.
DocumentApr 12, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Treasurer's report provided, discussion of Miss Eugenia Estill, former member of the Atlanta Woman's Union, who moved to New Orleans and now a member of that Union, Mrs. Keirn read a letter inviting members and husbands to a Pilgrim Tercentenary Program, Dr. Keirn made an appeal to the Union to pay its dues to the church monthly if possible or at least to pay the amount due by vacation time.
DocumentMay 10, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Treasurer's report provided. Discussion and description of charities that the Union supports such as: Home for Incurables, Home of the Friendless and Travellers’ Aid and Crippled Children’s Home.
DocumentSep 13, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Treasurer reports for July, August and September presented. There was an "animated discussion as to the possibilities of growth in liberal churches and other topics." Excerpts on paper on Health Provisions for State Laws Relating to Children prepared by Mr. Faulkner of the Raoul Foundation was presented.
DocumentOct 11, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Letter from the president of the general alliance, Miss Lucy Lowell, was read urging use to prove to the world that we have a religion which by its very simplicity is needed. Committee appointed to formulate program for 1922.
DocumentNov 7, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. As part of the planned program, Dr. Baker of the Federal Health Bureau discussed child welfare conditions in Georgia and urged the members of the Woman’s Union to lend their influence toward improvement.
DocumentNov 11, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Annual report on the Woman's Union. Review of charitable organizations supported by the Union, treasurer's report, determining to expand membership, review of several programs held in 1921.
DocumentDec 13, 1921 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Very upbeat final year end report. Meeting attended by Dr. Keirn (current minister) and Dr. Fisher (last minister of the Universalist church before its merger with the Unitarians). Treasurer reports for Oct and Nov provided. Letters from France thanking Union for contributions, decision made to contribute $5.00 for the restoration of the Clara Barton home. Recommended to make social service the main subject for the upcoming year's program.
DocumentJan 10, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Election of officers, decision to join Needle Work Guild.
DocumentFeb 14, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. President appointed a committee on calls. Discussion of work needed for renovation of the Sunday school.
DocumentMar 14, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Union responds to request from the Atlanta Red Cross for clothing.
DocumentApr 11, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Dr. Keirn presented a suggestion that the Union should take over the Mother’s Day Service of the church. After discussion a motion to accept this proposal was defeated. The sense of the meeting being that the small number of members present did not feel themselves competent to commit the Union to so radical a step.
DocumentMay 5, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Discussion of the budget and action to be taken by the Union to raise money.
DocumentJun 12, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. An unusually small number being present. More discussion on raising money for the church.
DocumentJul 10, 1922 (estimated date) MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. "As has become customary, this meeting was entirely social in character." Treasurer was authorize to purchase $25.00 coupon book from the Blocki Perfume company.
DocumentSep 19, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Discussion on fund raising activities including bazaar and Christmas cards sales. List of four members for left the Union because they moved from Atlanta. Discussion of how to achieve a better musical effect by moving organ and choir seats. Action deferred to church Trustees.
DocumentOct 10, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Discussion of preparation for the annual supper at the church. Committees named to support supper.
DocumentNov 14, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Short business meeting due to two speakers. Miss Susan M. Andrews, representing the Universalist Missionary Society headquarters in addition to our regular speaker the business meeting was cut as short as possible.
DocumentDec 12, 1922 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Results of fundings activities (bazaar and Christmas cards reviewed. Treasurer instructed to Union dues to "Travellers’ Aid, Crippled Children’s Home and the Home for the Friendless also that $90.00 for the remainder of our pledge to the church." Program speaker was the Field Secretary of the Georgia Inter-racial Committee.

Release date May 11, 2015

Meeting minutes of the Woman’s Union from 1919 – 1920.

DocumentJan 14, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Meeting involved organizational activities such as establishing a constitution, setting up committees and raising money to pay off debt on church house. Archivist note: This meeting minute was the first entry in a new note book. The Unitarians and Universalists has locally merged in Atlanta in early 1918. The Woman's Alliance of the Unitarian church had been in existence since 1884. The Universalist also had a Women's Mission Circle organized in 1897.
DocumentFeb 10, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Officers elected, constitution read and adopted.
DocumentMar 10, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Revision of finance section of Union's constitution. "Instead of two-thirds of the membership fees going to the local organization, one third being given to the Georgia Universalist Woman’s Missionary Society and the other third to the Unitarian State Alliance. (The later not being in existence at the present time, this one third go into the general fund.)." Activities listed to help raise $200.00 for the church budget.
DocumentApr 11, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Dues to be sent to National Unitarian Alliance and Universalist organization. Women decide to clean the church "with the aid of a vacuum cleaner loaned by Mrs. Draper."
DocumentJun 10, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Report on disbursement of funds for bills. Efforts to identify all women in congregation to collect dues and form women into circles to raise funds for the church.
DocumentJul 8, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Efforts move forward to organize women into circles who live near each other to help raise funds for the church. "...circular letter inviting every member of the congregation to join the Union. Motto to be: Every member of the congregation a member of the Union."
DocumentJul 8, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Efforts move forward to organize women into circles who live near each other to help raise funds for the church. "...circular letter inviting every member of the congregation to join the Union. Motto to be: Every member of the congregation a member of the Union."
DocumentSep 16, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Results from circular letter for the collection of dues reported. Good progress. Other discussion of fund raising discussed with the sale of Larkin Products.
DocumentOct 14, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. More follow up on circular letter to increase members of the Union. Supper is planned and committees formed. Other discussion on sending a delegate to Charleston, SC to attend the Southern Conference. Discussion on arrangements for visit of Miss Lucy Lowell president of the National Alliance of Unitarian and other Liberal Christian churches to Atlanta.
DocumentDec 2, 1919 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Discussion of submitting a report on the Union's activities to the Alliance for the Southern States. Additional discussion on the Christmas tree and event at the church.
DocumentMar 2, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Success reported in raising the $200.00 promised by the Union to the church for the general fund. Sewed ice bags for sale, discussed serving duties at the church, made plans to sew garment for the Home for the Friendless.
DocumentApr 13, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Discussion of correspondence with other organizations, need to tidy up the Sunday school and church, need to raise $200 for church general fund and invitation from Mrs. Fisher for members to spend the afternoon with her.
DocumentApr 13, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Detailed description of visit to farm of Dr. and Mrs. Fisher (see meeting minutes of Apr 13, 1920). "Corresponding secretary to write a note of sympathy to Dr. Keirn telling him that he was missed by the members at their meeting." Also note that the Universalist church had been sold and the Woman's Union could have things such as chairs, table. Rummage sale to be held to sell other items. The $200 promised by the Woman's Union to the church was divided among the 34 members of the Woman's Union "making it $7.00 for each one to raise in any way they pleased before next January."
DocumentJun 8, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Dr. Keirn returned to attending the Union meetings "after his serious accident." Discussion on support for the Anti-Tuberculosis Association, Dr. Keirn gave an account of the Armenian situation that he read in a periodical. It was noted that the old Universalist church had sold for $20,000.
DocumentJul 20 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Meeting held at Dr. and Mrs. Toepel's home near Stone Mountain. Rummage sale of articles of old Universalist church to be held but "many things had been taken away by unknown people according to the contractor." Mrs. Gaylord gave an interesting talk on birds.
DocumentSep 9, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. "Dr. Keirn then addressed the meeting. He urged that all strive earnestly to create in the church an esprit de corps such as we had created among ourselves. To this end, several socials at proper intervals were advised. Special attention should be given the annual meeting in November."
DocumentOct 10, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Detailed listing of committees and members of the committee.
DocumentNov 9, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Miss Caroline Atherton secretary of the National Alliance asked that the Annual report of the Union be sent to the headquarters at Boston. "After the inner woman had been satisfied, the ladies returned to the living room and returned to an illuminating lecture on “The Japanese Arrangement of Flowers” by Mrs. Keirn (Archivist Note: Rev. Keirn had previously served in a mission in Japan)."
DocumentDec 14, 1920 MoM for Woman's Union of the Liberal Christian Church. Detailed treasurer's report provided showing $290.28 in the treasury. Discussion of dues payment to national Unitarian and Universalist organizations.

Release date Feb 23, 2015

Includes Church of Our Father meeting minutes and other relevant documents found in contemporary magazine (e.g., Onward, Christian Register, Unity, etc.)

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentNov 6, 1893 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Treasurer report that balance as of Nov 6 was $1.78. Actual minister's report read into meeting minutes. Other reports from Woman's Alliance and Librarian noted, but actual reports are not found in meeting minutes. New officers elected. A motion was made to call Rev. Cole to the pulpit as church pastor.
DocumentNov 8, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. New Standing Committees appointed. Frank Lederle, founding member of the church, rejoined the board. Library asks board to solicit books, magazines and periodicals for "the only free library in our city." Library is named the "Liberal League Library."
DocumentNov 20, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Committee on special resolution (see MoM Nov 8, 1893) asked for and was granted additional time.
DocumentDec 18, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. No Quorum
DocumentDec 26, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Rev. Chaney provided the Board a form from the A.U.A. for aid for the coming year. Board voted to make a request for $800.
DocumentJan 8, 1894 MoM - Special meeting of Trustees Church of Our Father. Rev. Cole indicates that he cannot accept a call to the church at a guaranteed salary of $37.00 per month. He offers he would consider a guaranteed salary of $55.00 per month. Board indicates that it must stay with original offer due "to circumstances" and asked Rev. Cole to reconsider. See MOM of Nov 1, 1893 for salary proposition.
DocumentFeb 11, 1894 MoM - Special meeting of members of Church of Our Father. Voted to ask the Southern Conference of Unitarian and Other Christian Churches to hold its next meeting in Atlanta. Delegates and alternates elected to upcoming conference.
DocumentMay 6, 1894 MoM - Special meeting of members of Church of Our Father. Mr. Dixon resigned as Treasurer due to ill health. Frank Lederle elected Treasurer.
DocumentNov 5, 1894 MoM - Annual meeting of members of Church of Our Father. Restructured board positions to have staggered multi-year terms. Board members elected. Many reports read and placed "on file." These "on file" reports do not appear in the meeting minutes.
DocumentApr 7, 1895 MoM - Special meeting of members of Church of Our Father. Purpose of the meeting to elect two delegates to the Southern Conference to be held in Baltimore, Md., April 30.
DocumentMay 26, 1895 MoM - Special meeting of members of Church of Our Father. Saturday Night Club requested to find other facilities for their meetings. Committee on Operations of the Church to be guided by "the policy that when a society other than an auxiliary of the church has become permanently organized and self-supporting, it must find other quarters in which to meet."
DocumentOct 6, 1895 MoM - Special meeting of members of Church of Our Father. Election of delegates to national conference.
DocumentNov 11, 1895 MoM - Annual Meeting of members of the Church of Our Father. New church officers elected. Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Swift are elected at Trustees. This election appears to be the first time women have been elected to the church board of trustees.
DocumentMay 30, 1898 MoM - Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Church of Our Father. Treasurer’s report showed that there as no money in the church treasury. Rev. Chaney contributed $10.00 to the church.
DocumentJun 13, 1898 MoM - Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Church of Our Father. Librarian instructed to refuse books to persons who own as much as fifty cents for fines and dues. Librarian also allowed to keep funds to compensate for his services.
DocumentSep 26, 1899 MoM - Special Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Minutes include the resolutions passed by the church members regarding the sale of the church property and buildings to the Carnegie Free Library. Church lost sale price $20,500. Also see newspaper clipping of Sep 24, 1899; article outlines that the Carnegie Free Library purchased two lots for $35,000 of which the church was one of those lots.
DocumentNov 10, 1899 MoM - Annual Meeting of the members of Church of Our Father. Finalization of sale of property. American Unitarian Association agrees to resolutions passed by the church on Sep 26, 1899.
DocumentMay 16, 1884 Article in the Unity magazine providing a summary of the attendees at the dedication of the Church of Our Father in Atlanta in Apr 1884. Articles also details the organization of the Southern Conference of Unitarian and Other Christian Churches.
DocumentFeb 1, 1889 article in The Unitarian in the "News from the Field" that reports on activities at the Church of Our Father in Atlanta. Articles indicates that two services are held each Sunday, there is an active Sunday school, Christmas festival, women's club meeting and notes the "Atlanta Literature and Art Circle, of which he (Rev. chaney) is president, having lost its last year's quarters at the Young Men's Library by fire, holds its fortnightly meetings at the chapel."
DocumentJan 17, 1896 article in the Onward magazine listing members of the Universalist church in Atlanta. The Universalists had re-established a presence in Atlanta in 1895. Article points out individuals who were members of the initial Universalist church started in Atlanta 1879- 1881 by the Rev. Bowman. Comparing this Universalist membership list with the membership book of the Unitarian Church of Our Father, we see several members moved from the established Unitarian church to the new Universalist church by 1896.
DocumentFeb 1896 article in The Unitarian recording Rev. George Leonard Chaney's resignation as the Southern Superintendent. "The reasons which caused Mr. Chaney to offer his resignation, and the directors to accept it, may be reduced to one; namely, the lack of money to extend the operations and justify the maintenance of a superintendent in the field.'
DocumentJul 28, 1908 article in edition of Onward the Journal of the Universalist Young People with a report from the minister, Rev. Ellenwood on situation of the Universalist church in Atlanta. "Though obliged to weather a financial storm which struck our faithful little band with tremendous force, we are yet able to come up to this Convention with all current obligations paid in full, and, more than that, we have, during the year, paid off the last remnant of our floating debt, paid the installments on our new organ as they became due, and have added a substantial amount to our "basement fund."
DocumentFeb 28, 1919 Article in the Christian Register with a review of the progress made at the Unitarian Church of Atlanta by Rev. Ralph E. Conner, acting minister. Organ debt of $1,850 cleared. Notes that the Universalists and Unitarians had both voted for a period of cooperation during the war. Most interesting, Conner notes that Unitarianism is seen as an "exotic growth" in the South. Conners notes that most members of the Unitarian church are not native Southerners. "One parent of the family might be Southerner, but the other is certain to hail from the North."
DocumentNov 9, 1922 Obituary of Rev. GI. Keirn. Excellent background on Rev. Keirn including his work in Japan. Rev. Keirn was a Universalist minister who assumed the pastorate of the combined Unitarian Universalist congregation in Atlanta.

Release date Feb 16, 2015

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentApr 12, 1893 Report on the Church of Our Father. Written report on the Church of Our Father presented at the Southern Conference of Unitarian and Other Christian Churches held in New Orleans April 12 - 13, 1893. Report covers the "auxiliary societies" of the church: Women's Alliance, Sunday School, Fortnightly Club, Liberal Church League. The report also discussed the Library Standing Committee of the League. The Library committee indicated that it has seen 125 visitors to the reading room and 50 regular library patrons. Archivist Note: The library posted its first advertisement in the Atlanta papers announcing the free library and open reading room Jan 1, 1893
DocumentApr 17, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion on bill from Thomas Kirk Mfg. Co.
DocumentMay 1, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. In support of an invitation to the Southern Conference of Unitarian and other Christian churches to hold their conference in Atlanta, a financial statement from the church was required. Statement showed that the church is projected to run a $2,000 deficit in the church fiscal year ending November 1, 1893. Board makes requests to A.U.A. for a $2,000 loan.
DocumentMay 15, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Action underway to invite Mr. G.W. Stone back to Atlanta to give lecture in the opera house. (See newspaper clippings Apr 23, May 15 and others in 1893)
DocumentJun 19, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Organist resigned, outside of church offered to be painted for $45.00. Congregation meeting to be held to consider a call to the pastor for another year.
DocumentJul 9, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Rev. Cole letter accepting to continue as minister until November.
DocumentJul 12, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Resolution thanking Mr. and Mrs. Stone for services while in Atlanta were "spread on the meeting minutes." (See Newspaper clippings Apr 23, May 15, 20, 21, etc. 1893). Requesting Bishop Haygood of Oxford, Ga. to preach during Rev. Cole's August vacation. American Unitarian Association granted church request for $2000 load, details to be arranged. (See MoM May 1, 1893).
DocumentAug 21, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Bishop Haygood having other obligations declined offer (see MoM Jul 12, 1893) to preach during the month of August. Church will be closed until Sept 1. Mrs. Frank Lederle secured as organist.
DocumentSep 18, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Special meeting of the church to be held on Sept 21 to consider the terms of the $2,000 loan from the American Unitarian Association (See MoM Jul 12, 1893).
DocumentSep 21, 1893 MoM - Special meeting of the members Church of Our Father. Full letter from the American Unitarian Association is read into the record regarding the terms of a $2,000 loan to be offered the church. The letter and resulting resolution provides a very detailed view of the loans previously offered the church and affirms that the AUA owns the deed to the property on which the church is located.
DocumentOct 16, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Liberal Church League recommended by-laws change to be considered at next annual meeting. Bill for $16.75 for the Library catalog bureau was received and referred to the Library Committee to be paid if found correct. Waste water problem from library referred to Currier for correction.
DocumentOct 17, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. No quorum.
DocumentNov 1, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. New salary package to Rev. Cole, pastor, was crafted in board meeting. The package had a base pay of $575 (compared to $1,000 the previous year) and an interesting "revenue sharing scheme that could achieve a salary of $1,400.

Release date Feb 11, 2015

DocumentOct 2, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Donated funds from the Evangelical Missionary Society ($50.00) was diverted to pay 1890 - 1892 tax bill ($163.50) that "must be paid at once." Mention of organizing the members of the church into a working committee and the funding of the Unitarian Guild.
DocumentOct 19, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Work assigned to a committee appointed Sep 25, 1892 to form the church members into a work committee reported the formation of Liberal Church League. The L.C.L. primary mission was the dissemination of liberal news and principals in religion and the sustenance and rebuilding of the Church of Our Father of Atlanta, Ga. Under the L.C.L. a free leading library and reading room was established. The church is in poor financial condition with liabilities for 1892 amounting to $263.37. Rev. Chaney, present at the meeting, offers to assist in raising funds.
DocumentNov 7 1892 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Many reports were presented and accepted. This reports, however, do not appear in the meeting minutes. They are placed "on file" but are not included in the church archive.
DocumentNov 28, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. New standing committee members elected. Monthly board meeting moved to 3rd Monday of each month.
DocumentDec 31, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Request to be made to the American Unitarian Association for a $600.00 contribution for the coming church year. Special meeting to be held after services on Jan 8th to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees and to arrange to meet the expenses of the Church for the coming year.
DocumentJan 8, 1893 MoM - Special Meeting of the membes of the Church of Our Father. Need to raise $750.00 to meet church expenses. Collected subscriptions of $402.00 from those present. A list was referred to the Ways and Means committee to solicit additional subscriptions.
DocumentJan 16, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. A.U.A. has donated $500.00 to support the church. Vote of thanks extend to Mr. W.A. Glover for his lectures on the "labor question."
DocumentJan 30, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Topics covered include: waive rights regarding paving, letter from Rev. Chaney hoping the church to make progress “As it is looked upon as the pioneer of the Church Unitarian in the South.”, suspend publishing in hotel directory, members of standing committees elected, allow Liberal Church League to use the church for a debating club, subscriptions have increased to $527 and committee appointed to begin preparation for 10th anniversary of the church.
DocumentFeb 20, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Unable to secure pulpit exchange with Rev. Free. Resolution to defer to pastor on use of the church building requests. Thanks to be extended to those donating books to library. Voted to invite the Southern Conference of Unitarian and other Christian Churches to hold their next meeting in Atlanta.
DocumentMar 20, 1893 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Mr. C.H. Behre tendered his resignation as trustee. Disposition of bills received.

Release date Feb 5, 2015

DocumentJan 10, 1884 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. General business including rental agreement desired from Prof. Means, realignment of standing committees, side to be installed by the city, etc.
DocumentMay 11, 1891 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Rev. Chaney present and stated the meeting was to prepare to received the Rev. Wm. R. Cole as pastor of church. Committee appointed to organize the receptions. Financial discussions include rented "dwelling house".
DocumentJul 20, 1891 MoM - Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Church of Our Father. Motion made and adopted to call Rev. William Roswell Cole as pastor. Established a formal Welcoming Committee. Archivist Note: First time seeing the term "Bro." used rather than "Mr."
DocumentJul 26, 1891 MoM - Special Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Purpose of the meeting was to elect delegates to the Fourteenth Biennial Meeting of the National Conference of the Unitarian and Other Christian Churches to be held at Saratoga Springs, NY, Sept 21 – 24, 1891. Caroline I. Chaney, Geo. H. Crafts and Rev. Wm. Roswell Cole elected.
DocumentAug 26, 1891 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Letter of acceptance to become pastor of Church of Our Father by Rev. Wm. Roswell Cole read into the record.
DocumentSep 25, 1891 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. General church business bill paying, circular on resumption of services sent to members.
DocumentOct 30, 1891 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. General church business: bill ordered paid, organist and soprano services secured by the year at $100.00 each.
DocumentNov 2, 1891 MoM - Annual Meeting Church of Our Father. Rev. William Coles's acceptance letter to become pastor of the church is read into the meeting minutes. Reports from the Care of Church Property and Music were read into the meeting minutes. New officers were elected.
DocumentNov 25, 1891 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Specifics rules of order were reviewed and adopted for conducting trustee meetings. Miss Schumann offered to play organ without charge until Jan 1, 1892. Other business discussed. Standing committees for the year appointed. On the matter of taxes, it was voted to refer the matter to Mr. Behre, a special committee.
DocumentDec 16, 1891 MoM - Ordination of Rev. William Roswell Cole as pastor of the Church of Our Father.
DocumentDec 26, 1891 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Board compile an accounting of income, liabilities and estimated expenses and conclude that they had $1,987,37 in un-provided expenses. There are outstanding amounts on taxes and payments to the A.U.A. that were due in 1891.
DocumentJan 24, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Letter from American Unitarian Association Secretary, Grindall Reynolds, received and read at meeting. Contents unknown. On motion, the clerk was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of the letter and bring before the next regular meeting of the board.
DocumentJan 29, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Acceptance of $600 appropriation from the American Unitarian Association for the support of the church. Delineation of rules for the church library.
DocumentFeb 7, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Objective of meeting was to determine method to raise $1,400 to clear church indebtedness. Condition of American Unitarian Association grant of $600 (see 1892.01.29).
DocumentFeb 9, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. A quorum was not present, board meeting could not be held.
DocumentFeb 28, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Review of financial matters. "On motion of Mr. Dixon, Messrs. Behre, Haight and Winslow were appointed a special committee to investigate the matter of exchanging church lots and to report at a future meeting." Archivist Note: appears church is considering selling property and moving.
DocumentMar 21, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Vote to allow Christian Science Society use of the church building.
DocumentApr 10, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. No quorum.
DocumentMay 23, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Nothing definite to report on investigation of selling church lot. Mr. Dixon requested to notify members to attend Sunday service and special meeting afterwards. Treasurer authorized to pay taxes due April 1, 1891.
DocumentMay 29, 1892 MoM - Special Meeting of the congregation Church of Our Father. A set of resolutions were read and referred to a special committee of which Mr. Jno. Y. Dixon was chairman. (No detailed minutes of this meeting were made as the Clerk was absent from town).
DocumentJun 5, 1892 MoM - Adjourned Meeting of the congregation Church of Our Father. Mr. Dixon put forth eight resolutions (no details provided in notes, see MoM Jun 12, 1892). Offer by Dr. Glover to provide lectures referred to Board of Trustees. The decisioin to call Rev. Cole as pastor for the next year was referred to the Board of Trustees.
DocumentJun 12, 1892 MoM - Adjourned Meeting of the congregation Church of Our Father. Discussion of non-attendance of members, the acceptance of Dr. Glover to give lectures at the church, action to publish Rev. Cole's sermons, motion to establish a mission church at the West End was not carried, Board to move forward with action to call Rev. Cole for the 1892-3.
DocumentSep 9, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Letter include from Rev. Cole from Mt. Washington, MD indicating he will continue as pastor of Church of Our Father. Resolution expressing sympathy regarding the death of Mrs. Mary J.E. Harding.
DocumentSep 25, 1892 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion of the sales of the church property (see Newspaper clipped Feb 2, 1892 - Parsonage on Church Street sold for taxes (between Fairlie and Forsyth Streets). Financial accounting showed immediate liabilities to be $601.20 and cash on hand at $141.97. Questions raised about purpose of the church. "On motion, it was voted that the chair appoint a committee of three to organize the members of the church into a working committee for the re-building of the Church of Our Father."

Release date Feb 1, 2015

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentComment that no record was kept on board meetings for 1889.
DocumentNov 11, 1889 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Officers elected. Efforts started to establish a building fund.
DocumentJan 3, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Members appointed to standing committees.
DocumentMar 22, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. A "tough love" resolution was discussed that would strip an individual of their position on a standing committee if they missed "these monthly meetings for three successive meetings without (providing) an acceptable excuse for absence." The resolution was tabled for discussion at the next meeting. Arrangements were also to be made for the "placing fine notices of Church of Our Father “services” in the hotels. "
DocumentApr 29, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion on action taken to renew church insurance. Repairs underway, but more time required. Rev. Chaney suggested the board consider purchasing an organ from a resident leaving the city. Rev. Chaney indicated he would raise half of the $350 cost if the board would raised the rest. Action taken to raise the funds and review steps to see and potentially purchase the organ.
DocumentMay 1, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Organ reviewed (see meeting notes of Apr 9, 1890). Action determine to have a two-week trial and determine whether to buy. Rev. Chaney suggested note to be sent following death of Ann Hodge.
DocumentMay 10, 1890 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Delegates appointed to attend American Unitarian Association annual meeting. Decision made not to purchase organ (see meeting of May 1, 1890). Action needed to secure new tenants in rental space.
DocumentJun 6, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. "The subject matter for discussion and decision was selection of pastor to take Mr. Chaney place during his vacation. This was referred to Committee on Operation of Church, Messrs. Winslow, Burris and Harding."
DocumentNo board meeting minutes recorded for July and August. "The matters acted upon legally calling Mr. P. Galvin to act as pastor during Mr. Chaney’s absences which extended to Oct second Sunday. The screen for shielding of the choir was erected." Archivist Note added covering July - October church annoucements that show at one time Rev. Galvin the pastor of the Church of Our Father and various mis-spellings of Rev. G.L. Chaney's name in the Atlanta newspapers.
DocumentSep 29, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Resignation of Rev. Chaney as pastor of Church of Our Father received by the Board. Board voted unanimously to call Rev. Galvin as pastor. Archivist Note: Rev. Galvin had been in pulpit during part of Rev. Chaney's vacation.
DocumentOct 31, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Board voted to reverse its vote to call Mr. Galvin as pastor of the church. See MoM Sep 29, 1890.
DocumentNov 3, 1890 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Officers, board members and librarian elected. Rev. Chaney's resignation as paster accepted. Resolution to Rev. Chaney included in minutes.
DocumentNov 28, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. New members appointed to standing committees. Other votes: acquire piano for the holidays, have Christmas tree prepared, etc.
DocumentDec 26, 1890 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. No quorum. Informal discussion of matters of church interest.

Release date Jan 30, 2015

DocumentJan 20, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion of letter to American Unitarian Association requested that appropriations to Atlanta church not be reduced.
DocumentFeb 26, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Quick meeting after Sunday service to authorized check to Rev. H.A. Whitman "for $25.00 on his leaving for his home in Cambridge after his months preaching for us, which motion was passed."
DocumentMar 10, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Treasurer reported sufficient funds available to pay the American Unitarian Association loan interest on April 1. Rev. Chaney passed out cards to be distributed to board to friends and others on upcoming sermon series. Check for $10 authorized to Rev. Atticus Green Haywood who filled pulpit on Jan 29, 1888.
DocumentMar 24, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Committee appointed to investigate if bill from city for paving Forsyth for $153.37 should/needs to be paid. Rev. Chaney reported that the Southern Conference of Churches will meet at Church of Our Father on April 11 - 12. Committee appointed to coordinate entertainment.
DocumentApr 28, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Letter reviewed and approved to petition city of Atlanta to release the church from paying paving assessment. Prof. Means request to paint school building to be reviewed. Music committee authorized to secure a paid organist at $12.00 per month.
DocumentMay 14, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Financial matters were discussed. Petition to exempt the church for the paving assessment was unsuccessful. Liabilities of $412.00 more than double cash on hand. Rev. Chaney to make announcement from pulpit calling attention to attend to subscriptions. Request by Prof. Means to paint school building deferred due to financial situation.
DocumentJun 9, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Sufficient funds have been obtained from subscriptions to pay the paving assessment from the city of Atlanta. Rev. Chaney suggests a calendar for closing the church for the summer which is accepted by the board. Prof. Means to be approached about painting the school building.
DocumentNov 1, 1888 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Rev. Chaney reported he had asked the American Unitarian Association to reduce its support of the Atlanta church by $300.00 for the coming years. Ideas how to raise additional funds discussed. Officers elected. Mrs. Chaney provide report on the Ladies Auxiliary.
DocumentDec 1, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Appointment of members to standing committees. Subscription cards to sent out.

Release date Jan 29, 2015

Yeah!  We have now posted 200 archive records!

DocumentFeb 5, 1886 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Furnace and chimney repaired. Music committee authorized to hire soprano at $5.00 Sunday as needed. Decided that there would be no evening services for February because there was no choir for evening services.
DocumentMar 10, 1886 MoM - Board of Trustees. Need to hold collection at church. Problems with soprano, Mrs. Werner, who had been secured at $5.00 per Sunday when she raised her fee to $10.00 per Sunday. Alternate services being sought. If unsuccessful to secure services to leading singing at church, services would be canceled.
DocumentJun 1, 1886 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Extended lease of school room to Prof. Means for another year at $55.00 per month. Funds raised for carpet to be placed in Ladies Room of the church.
DocumentJul 18, 1886 MoM - Meeting of the members of the Church of Our Father. Meeting called to elect delegates to the National Conference of Unitarian and other Christian Churches to be held Sep 21 - 24, 1886 in Saratoga, NY.
DocumentJul 24, 1886 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Rev. Chaney proposed that Rev. Browne from Charleston, SC conduct services in September to avoid the church being closed for two months. The board concurred and authorized Rev. Chaney to make necessary arrangements.
DocumentOct 22, 1886 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Committee on Care of Property authorized to repaint woodwork and make other repairs not to exceed $40.00. Also committee to investigate cost of excavating cellar to move furnace to center of the church.
DocumentNov 15 1886 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Reports read and accepted. New officers elected as well as two librarians.
DocumentNov 26, 1886 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Furnace moved to center of church, bill pending. Members to standing committees appointed (Care of Property, Ways and Means, Music, Operation of Church)
DocumentJan 8, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Cost of painting ($41) and furnace moved ($15) reported and approved. Rev. Chaney reported offer from Prof. Barilla to perform with Polymnia Club at Church of our Father. Rev. Chaney authorized to make arrangements. Archivist Note: Proper spelling of Barilla is Prof. Alfredo Barili. See newspaper clipping 1888.05.02 for background information on Polymnia Club.
DocumentMar 17, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion on need to raise revenue to meet interest payment on American Unitarian Association load. Current funds in bank, $50. Interest payment due April 1, $350. Rev. Chaney offers to give lectures on American authors and poets; ladies of church to hold parlor sale. See newspaper clippings; 1887.03.29 Notice of Parlor Sale and 1887.04.01 Article Rev. Chaney to give lecture on Longfellow.
DocumentMay 12, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Accounting of funds raised by lecture and parlor sales noted in MoM Mar 17, 1887. Lecture raised $51.00 and parlor sale $430.00. Subscription cards to be sent to those who regularly attend but have not made a subscription for the current year.
DocumentJul 13, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Repairs have been completed on school building. Moved that the publisher be paid for printing of the parish library catalogue. Also moved to fix price of catalogue at 10 cents each. Finance committee to review insurance on church.
DocumentJul 12, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Repairs have been completed on school building. Moved that the publisher be paid for printing of the parish library catalogue. Also moved to fix price of catalogue at 10 cents each. Finance committee to review insurance on church.
DocumentMar 17, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Cost of school building discussed ($125.00). Music committee reports that Mrs. White accepted position of choir soprano. Subscription book to be closed at end of church year - Nov 1. Ways and Means committee reported that insurance on church property had been adjusted.
DocumentNov 7, 1887 - MoM Fifth Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Reports read and accepted. New officers elected for the year.
DocumentNov 26, 1887 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. New members to church standing committees were nominated. Tasks such as repairs and action needed distributed to respective standing committees.
DocumentJan 5, 1888 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion on gas light fixture installed in choir gallery. Other discussion on cost of repairs to school building.

Release date Jan 23, 2015

DocumentNov 4, 1890 Letter to the Editor from Rev. Chaney comments on reporting on his last sermon.
DocumentMar 25, 1884 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Acquired more insurance for chapel, books, furniture and fixtures. Librarian to make a list of books for insurance purposes. Other operational matters discussed.
DocumentJuly 23, 1884 MoM - Meeting of members of the Church of Our Father. Committee on Incorporation reported (no details in minutes). Officers and trustees elected. Invitation to attend National Unitarian Conference read and delegates to attend appointed. Library to be opened on Sunday from 4 pm until close of church. Rev. Chaney requests that Auxiliary Committee assist the Industrial Home.
DocumentSep 5, 1894 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. No business required in July and August, therefore, no meetings held or minutes taken. This meeting includes a review of a lengthy letter to the American Unitarian Association from the Board requesting the Rev. Chaney be encouraged to continue his work in Atlanta.
DocumentNov 3,1884 MoM - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Very detailed, almost verbatim, notes taken on Treasurer's and Board of Trustee reports. Discussion on the need to end full reliance on the American Unitarian Association to pay Rev. Chaney'2 $2,000 per year salary. Discussion of church improvements (ornamental fence, matting, library shelves, etc.). Letter sent to the AUA (see Sep 5, 1884 MoM of the Board of Trustees) requesting that Rev. Chaney continue at the Church of Our Father was included in the Annual Meeting minutes. Detailed account of receipts and disbursements also included. Rev. Chaney offered "two beautiful tablets 6 ft. x 13 ft. containing the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer, formerly occupying a place in his old Boston church, the Hollis street." The offered was declined, with regrets, since such a gift could not be used by such a small church.
DocumentJan 2, 1895 MoM - Board of Trustees. New janitor employed at $8.00 per month. Fence to be built around church.
DocumentJan 11, 1895 MoM - Special Meeting of member of the Church of Our Father. Meeting elected two delegates and two alternates to attend the Southern Unitarian Conference in Charleston in September.
DocumentFeb 6, 1885 Mom - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Follow up on actions from last meeting. Curtains installed, brick wall constructed, lighting still to be completed.
DocumentMar 5, 1885 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Report from the Committee on the Care of the Property reported that they had not yet reached a decision point on lighting options. "The time of the meeting was taken up in an informal discussion relative to the general welfare of the Church."
DocumentMay 15, 1885 MoM - Special Meeting of Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussed lighting options and request Rev. Chaney while in Boston next week to investigate church lighting. Ventilation work is still needed for the choir gallery. Discussion of church subscriptions ensure. Cards to be sent to "habitual worshippers" asking for support.
DocumentSep 26, 1885 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. Discussion of a circular to members asking for their support. Decision not to paint the church since funds were not available and to pay Rev. Chaney first before any other expenditures. Employment of janitor for the winter at $8.00 per month discussed.
DocumentNov 11, 1885 Mom - Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father. Reports received from Treasurer, Secretary and Rev. Chaney. Note: These reports are not recorded in the actual meeting minutes. Other church business discussed and voted upon.
DocumentDec 12, 1885 MoM - Board of Trustees Church of Our Father. No decision made on sending subscription cards to members. Committees of the church were reorganized to Care of Property, Operation of the Church, Music and Ways and Means.

Release date Aug 20, 2014

Document / FeatureDescription
FeatureFeature enables direct access to documents that provide background information on Unitarian and Universalist ministers
FeatureNew menu option providing access to a list of other research resources.
FeatureAccess to Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation's ePicture Project library of digital photographs.
FeatureAdded Archivist Blog feature that contains observations and commentary regarding the historical information provided in the Digital Archive.
Archivist BlogRev. Chaney and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Explores the legend or lore of the claim that Rev. Chaney played a role in the formation of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
DocumentJul 15, 1900 - Newspaper Article describing the dedication of the Universalist church on Harris Street.
DocumentMar 9, 1927 - Newspaper - Obituary of Rev. W.H. McGlauflin. Founder of first Universalist church in Atlanta
DocumentMay 10, 1906 - Newspaper Article - Revivalist Dr. Torrey Attacks Unitarians
DocumentDetailed listing of Universalist services in Atlanta from 1879 to 1883.
DocumentDetailed listing of Unitarian services in Atlanta from 1881 to 1884.
DocumentDetailed review of the merger of the Atlanta Universalists and Unitarians in 1918 as seen in the Atlanta newspapers.
DocumentBackground information on Rev. Ralph E. Conner who held the acting pastor position at the Unitarian church in 1918.
DocumentNov 3, 1890 - Newspaper article - Rev. Chaney's farewell sermon to his church.
DocumentMay 28, 1906 - Newspaper article - Rev. Sanborn responses to revivalist attacks on Unitarians.

Release date Aug 9, 2014

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentJan 17, 1906 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of annual church meeting. Very detail recounting of ministers who have served the church. Overview of financial health of the church. Of "church branches" such a Ladies Aid, Sunday School, Young People's Christian Union (Y.P.C.U.).
DocumentFeb 7, 1906 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting discussing financial matters.
DocumentApr 25, 1906 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular board meeting discussing financial matters. Also resolution of thanks to Dr. Harlyn Hitchcock of service a organist and his efforts to secure a pipe organ for the church (Archivist Note: The church has a piano for the Sunday school, but the small organ used in the church was the property of Dr. McGlauflin. That organ is to be returned to Dr. McGlauflin who is no longer the pastor of the church.)
DocumentMar, 8, 1896 Church of our Father MoM of meet that discussed calling a minister and noted, "After some discussion of the seeming apathy of the Church it was determined to appoint a Committee on Progress, the purpose of which was to stimulate interest and stir up enthusiasm." The clerk was instructed to communicate with Mr. Vail and arrange for a trial visit.
DocumentOct 16, 1905 Letter to Rev. Samuel Eliot (American Unitarian Association) indicating that the Unitarian Church of Atlanta has unanimously called Rev. Moore Sanborn, but "the friends of Mr. Sanborn, have all urged this to decline our call."
DocumentJan 11, 1907 Unitarian Church of Atlanta MoM - Nomination of officers and pastor of the church (Rev. R.R. Shippen).
DocumentJan 14, 1907 MoM - Annual meeting of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Report on the Woman's Alliance was presented; treasurer showed a balance of $124.08. It was suggested organizing a Young People's Union. I was suggested that Rev. Shippen's sermons be made available for publication in the Constitution (Archivist: Atlanta's morning paper). A salary of $1500 was proposed for Rev. Shippen. Attendance and membership numbers are presented.
DocumentMay 3, 1907 Unitarian Church of Atlanta MoM - Special meeting to address Rev. Shippen's resignation. The reported observed, "that on account of the advanced age of Dr. Shippen and more especially on account of his wife's physical condition they did not feel justified in being away from their children and grandchildren another winter." It was noted by a congregate, Mr. Moore, that Rev. Shippen indicated that the Atlanta parish needed a younger man.
DocumentAug 25, 1907 MoM - Rev. A.T. Bowser of Delaware is recommended by the Pulpit Supply Committee to be called a pastor of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta.
DocumentOct 6, 1907 Unitarian Church of Atlanta MoM - Unitarian Church of Atlanta votes to call Rev. A.T. Bowser as minister.
DocumentOct 1, 1907 Unitarian Church of Atlanta Letter to congregation from the committee on pulpit supply that the committee has invited Rev. Alexander T. Bowser to become minister of the church for the ensuing year.
DocumentJan 13, 1908 Unitarian Church of Atlanta MoM - Annual meeting noted that "the ladies served a lunch from 6:30pm to 8pm." Minutes include list of those present; treasurer's report showing a balance of $48.02; Clerk's report showing attendance of 64. A report from the Woman's Alliance was offered; the minister made only an oral report. In his oral report, the minister referenced "securing another lot and having a new Church building." Under new business, Mr. Moore as Chairman of the New Church committee stated "that our church property is in the hands of real estate agents for sale." More conversation on the pro/con of a new church.
DocumentJan 19, 1908 Unitarian Church of Atlanta MoM - New members join Unitarian Church of Atlanta
DocumentMar 28, 1908 Unitarian Church of Atlanta MoM - New members join Unitarian Church of Atlanta
DocumentJan 11, 1911 Unitarian Church of Atlanta Reports - Ministers Report Rev. Rowlett (money concerns), financial statements and reports
May 1, 1905 Article on Moore Sanborn leaving the insurance industry for the ministry (Insurance Monitor). Apr 12, 1905 Article of Rev. Sanborn becoming minister of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta (The Unitarian Register). Jan 21, 1907 Article that Moore Sanborn returning to insurance business (The Indicator). May 1909 Article that Moore Sanborn is the General Manager of the Home Watchmen of the World in Erie, Pa. A 1924 entry from A Dictionary of Secret and Other Socities regarding Home Watchmen of the World.
DocumentJun 1, 1917 Bio of Rev. A. T. Bowser in the report of the 40th anniversary of the graduation of the class of 1877 from Harvard College.

Release date Jul 27, 2014

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentApr 10, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of church meeting to elect church officers and trustees. Also decision to call Rev. Paul Tyner as the pastor of the church.
DocumentApr 23, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of board meeting where committee chairs were appointed. The list of committees provides a good overview of the internal structure of the church.
DocumentMay 7, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM with resolution to call Bro. Tyner to the pastorate of the church and noting that he had not yet "received his ordination." Request was made to the Fellowship Committee of the Georgia Universalist Convention to grant permission for the ordination of Bro. Tyner.
DocumentJun 4, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of congregation meeting to provide response for Fellowship Committee on ordination of Rev. Tyner. Fellowship Committee granted ordination request. Other minutes on board meeting discussing financial matters.
DocumentJun 12, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of special meeting of Board noting it changed church year to end on July 1 and that Rev. Tyner will serve in pulpit until that time.
DocumentJun 25, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of board meet held immediately after service noting that J.C. Bond was appointed as delegate to the Y.P.C.U., Rev. Tyner had resigned and board recommends closing the church during July and August or until a pastor could be secured.
DocumentAug 25, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of board noting J.C. Bond's meeting with the Y.P.C.U., identification of Rev. Ellenwood "as possibly the most available man for the pastorate in Atlanta, tabled president's Holdt's resignation and motion to pay the secretary 5 - 10% of pledges that the secretary could collect.
DocumentAug 27, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM electing delegates and alternates to the Universalist State Convention to be held in Senior, Ga.
DocumentSep 10, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM noting that Rev. Dearborn of Boston accepted offer to serve in pulpit for October. Expectations on securing Rev. Ellenwood as the regular minister.
DocumentOct 29, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM instructing treasurer to pay Dr. Dearborn $120.00.
DocumentNov 3, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM reflecting decision to send "circular letter" to all church members "setting forth the financial conditions of the church and asking for immediate action."
DocumentNov 6, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM discussing sending letters to all members to attend church meeting on Nov 12 "as important business was to be discussed". Minutes reveal that Rev. Ellenwood declined offered tendered to him to become pastor of the church. Rev. Dearborn unable to extend his temporary services.
DocumentNov 12, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of specially called congregational meeting to discuss action on pledges. Also notes that Rev. Ellenwood had reconsidered call to church and will join the church the 1st Sunday in December.
DocumentDec 13, 1905 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM discussing financial matters and motion to instituted use of numbered envelopes to collect pledges starting Jan 21, 1906.
DocumentJan 7, 1906 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM specially called church meeting to discuss music for the upcoming year. Agreed to hire Miss Cawthon at $15 per month to take charge of the music program.

Release date Jul 19, 2014

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentNov 7, 1900 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting discussing terms of the furnace purchase and other discussions on financial matters.
DocumentDec 10, 1900 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting discussing financial matters related to the new church building including discussion on furnace and windows.
DocumentJan 29, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of board discussing a variety of finance matters including paying dues to the Central Young Peoples Christian Union, applying collection money to the Free Kindergarten, note for the minister's salary, arrangements for music.
DocumentMar 14, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of board discussing various financial matters. Also notes that Dr. Shinn will be in Atlanta and arrangements/funds made to have him preach at the First Universalist Church of Atlanta.
DocumentApr 3, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of business meeting to elect deacons and vote on membership applications. Additional MoM of the regular monthly meeting also included.
DocumentApr 30, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular business meeting discussing long account of financial transaction from Rev. Dr. McGlauflin Also consideration and rejection of lecture by Rabbi Brown of Columbus, GA on the Talmud in the Universalist church in Atlanta.
DocumentJun 4, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting discussing several financial matters; arrangements made for pulpit services in during Dr. McGlauflin's vacation.
DocumentJun 10, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting called to vote on application of new members into the church.
DocumentJul 7, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular business meeting discussing financial matters, arrangements for music and pulpit services during vacation absent of Dr. McGlauflin.
DocumentAug 9, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of board discussing various financial matters including .60 cents on water bill, $4.00 interest on $200 loan and whether or not to pay members of the choir. The last item was deferred.
DocumentAug 25, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM to elect delegates and alternates to the Georgia Universalist Convention.
DocumentSep 4, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular business meeting discussing resignation of organist and hiring of new organist.
DocumentNov 5, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of regular discussing some financial matters, holding of Thanksgiving service.
DocumentNov 10, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting called to vote on application of new members into the church.
DocumentDec 4, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting discussing some financial matters, the results of Rev. McGlauflin preaching at the Unitarian church on Thanksgiving Day and some details of the rental of the church to the Association of Elocutionist.
DocumentDec 22, 1901 First Universalist Church of Atlanta MoM of meeting called to vote on application of new members into the church.
DocumentSep 22-26, 1884 Report provided by the Rev. Chaney at the 11th meeting of the conference of Unitarian and other Christian churches held in Saratoga, NY. Chaney provided a report on the Southern Conference.
DocumentFeb 14, 1903 article in the 1903 edition of Onward the Journal of the Universalist Young People in which Dr. McGlauflin, the minister, outlines the current state of the Universalist church in Atlanta three years after the church building was erected.
DocumentJul 30, 1907 article in the 1903 edition of Onward the Journal of the Universalist Young People in which Dr. Ellenwood, the minister, outlines the current state of the Universalist church in Atlanta three years after the church building was erected.

Release date Jul 19, 2014

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentJan 17, 1900 Annual meeting. Positive reports from the YPCU (Young People's Christian Union) and Sunday School regarding attendance.
DocumentJan 29, 1900 Meeting of the board of directors. Building committee appointed.
DocumentMar 11, 1900 MoM special meeting to votes on inducting new members into the First Universalist Church of Atlanta
DocumentApr 5, 1900 MoM board meeting discussed financial matters of income and expenses.
DocumentMay 1, 1900 MoM board meeting discussed financial
DocumentJun 17, 1900 MoM board meeting financial matters regarding the building of the new church. Also discussed was the settlement of the carpenter's strike which had halted construction of the building.
DocumentAug 26, 1900 MoM board meeting to elect delegates to the Georgia State Convention of Universalists to be held near Winder Aug 30th to Sep 2, 1900.
DocumentSep 6, 1900 MoM board meeting discussed new church building. Dr. McGlauflin was noted as having provided a detailed report on the church was built, how much was stilled owed (deficit was smaller than expected). Furnance Committee appointed, discussion was held on unfinished plastering work, etc.
DocumentJan 20, 1901 MoM called meeting to vote on accepting new members into the church.
DocumentJan 22, 1901 MoM of annual meeting. Dinner was held at church. Financial position of the church reviewed.
DocumentFeb 3, 1901 MoM boarding meeting discussed activities of the furnace committee. Letter to Mrs. Harry W. Young was reviewed thanking her for her services, but indicating that the church was unable to "remunerate you in a more substantial way than by our expression of thanks."
DocumentOct 14, 1901 MoM board meeting discussed financial matters.
DocumentApr 19, 1910 article in Onward The Journal of the Universalist Young People discussing the Bond Memorial Fund. J.C. Bond had been a member of the board in the early days of the church. He died in 1908. A memorial fund was established and "is being raised by popular subscription among our Universalist people everywhere. This fund is first to be used for the completion of the Atlanta church, one of Mr. Bond's most earnest desires, and is then to be repaid, by this church, to the National Y. P. C. U., to be there held in trust as a fund to be loaned to other churches in need of assistance in building operations."
DocumentApr 23, 1884 Order of Service for the dedication of the Church of our Father building.
DocumentApr 11, 1888 Southern Conference meets at Church of Our Father. Includes Order of Service for conference.
DocumentOct 20, 1978 Report commissioned by MARTA (History Group) to document the building on West Peachtree street that was scheduled for demolition to make way for the North Avenue MARAT station. The building was the 3rd Unitarian church built in Atlanta in 1915 and contained the Founder Stained Glass windows dedicated to Rev. Chaney the first Unitarian minister who came to Atlanta in the early 1880's.

Release date May 13, 2014

Document / FeatureDescription
DocumentMay 24, 1978 Letter from Northwest to MARTA Manager of Urban Design outling proposal for display of stained glass windows from old Unitarian church built on West Peachtree Street in 1915
DocumentOct 19, 1978 Letter from MARTA to Northwest agreeing to Northwest proposal for the display of stained glass windows from the old Unitarian church built on West Peachtree Street in 1915.
DocumentOct 31, 1978 Letter from MARTA to Northwest enclosing copies of historical report done by the History Group, Inc. on the old Unitarian church built on West Peachtree Street turn restaurant entitled The Abbey The Atlanta Unitarian Church, Re-Used.
DocumentNov 3, 1978 Letter from Northwest to MARTA thanking MARTA for the historical reported entitled The Abbey The Atlanta Unitarian Church, Re-Used.
DocumentApr 22, 1980 Letter from Northwest to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta (UUCA) expressing "delight" to be able to share stained glass windows from the old Unitarian church built on West Peachtree Street in 1915. The building was razed by MARTA for the North Avenue station. The windows were preserved by MARTA for their historic value.
DocumentNov 8, 1979 Newspaper article related to the stained glass windows from the old Unitarian church built on West Peachtree Street in 1915 now installed at the Northwest Unitarian Church.
DocumentMar 12, 1893 - MoM Preparation for 10th anniversary of the Church of Our Father. Outlines full "exercise"
DocumentJun 25, 1893 MoM - Vote to retain services or Rev. Cole. Includes salary offer.
DocumentJul 7, 1893 MoM - Resignation of the Rev. Cole from Church of Our Father.
DocumentApr 20, 1896 MoM - Recommendation to call of the Rev. Vail to be pastor of Church of Our Father.
DocumentOct 1893 Letter - Resignation of the Rev. Vail from Church of Our Father. Notes he has accepted position as pastor of the Unity Church in Sioux City, Iowa. His services at the Church of Our Father to conclude on October 31, 1899
DocumentNov 12, 1899 Resolution thanking Rev. Vail for his services at the Church of Our Father. The resolution comments, "knowing our weakness financially, we consider that Rev. Vail has acted wisely in accepting the call from the Unity Church…"
DocumentJun 15, 1900 MoM - Discussion on the cost of the new church building. Voted to proceed with construction of second Unitarian church in Atlanta.
DocumentNov 9, 1900 MoM - First meeting in new church building. "Chairman of the Building Committee reported that the new church building was completed and ready for occupancy." Delegates are elected to attend the Southern Conference.
DocumentJan 14, 1901 Annual Meeting - Annual meeting of the Church of Our Father. Legality of meeting questioned and voted upon. Name change (see bylaws documents) to the First Unitarian Church in Atlanta was voted down 15 to 10.
DocumentJun 10, 1904 Petition filed with Fulton County, GA renewing church charter and changing name to the Unitarian Church of Atlanta
DocumentMay 5, 1905 Letter - Rev. Langston resigns from the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Noted that his last day with the church will be Jul 1 1905
DocumentOct 10, 1905 Letter - Rev. Moore Sanborn is called be pastor of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta. Minutes indicate that between May and October lay services have been conducted. It also notes that Rev. Sanborn has "conducted services in our church for the last three Sundays." Letter recommends that Mr. Sanborn be called a minister through Dec 31, 1906.
DocumentJan 24, 1894 Newspaper article - Rev. Chaney preach on invitation of the Liberal Church League. Subject: "Situation in Hawaii". "…the proceeds of the lecture will be applied to the benefit of the free library and reading room under the auspice of the league." "Tickets will be found on sale at the Estey Organ Company's music rooms. J.R. Watts & Co's jewelry store and T.N. Winslow dry goods store." Article references home in Richmond, VA.
DocumentJul 15, 1900 Newspaper Notice - Information on temporary location of Unitarian services (before second building is ready) and Universalist dedication . Rev. F. A. Bisbee, editor of Universalist Leader, will preach. Rev. Bisbee is visiting Atlanta to attend the convention of the Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist church. Additional notice about the convention of Universalists meeting in Atlanta. "This will be a memorable day with the Atlanta Universalist." "The greatest interest of the day will center in the dedication exercises of the church edifice."
DocumentOct 31, 1978 Letter from Northwest to MARTA thanking MARTA for the indefinite loan to the stained glass windows from the old Unitarian church built on West Peachtree Street in 1915.

Release date April 18, 2014

DocumentObituary of Rev. William Roswell Cole (1865-1919) from the Christian Register. Second minister of Church of Our Father in Atlanta
Document1892 Report by Rev. Chaney Southern Superintend on the Unitarian churches in the south.
DocumentReference to Unitarians and Universalists in 1902 book Atlanta and Its Builders: A Comprehensive History of the Gate City of the South,
DocumentInstallation of Rev. W.S. Vail in Wichita, Ks Feb. 15, 1894. Also notes that Rev. Vail had previously served as the minister for the Universalist church in St. Paul
DocumentLong background article on Rev. Bowman covering his background and his involvement in bring the Universalist faith to Atlanta.
DocumentObituary for the Rev. W.S. Vail (1852 - 1907)
DocumentArticle where Rev. Langston explains why he left the Unitarian fellowship.
DocumentNewspaper article from Feb 15, 1895 "Rev. Q, H. Shinn, Universalist, Defends His Church and Creed."
DocumentNewspaper article Nov 16, 1918 reporting Rev. Conkling former minister of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta was killed in France during WW I
DocumentObituary for Rev. G.I. Keirn from The Universalist Leader. Rev. Keirn was a former minister of the Liberal Christian Church of Atlanta.
DocumentUnitarian Southern Committee Report of Jan 1899. Covers difficulty for spreading Unitarian faith in the South. Review of four churches Austin, Atlanta, Chattanooga and New Orleans

Release date March 17, 2014

DocumentFeb 16, 1885 Summary of Sermon - Rev. Chaney Sermon "Rod and Staff of God's Comfort". Review of sermon from Sunday Feb 15, 1885. Also mention of evening topic "Culture and Kindness"
DocumentMay 18, 1885 Summary of Sermon - Rev. Chaney "A 19th Century Religion" delivered on Sunday, May 17, 1885
DocumentOct 25, 1886 Summary of Sermon - Rev. Chaney sermon on It is Good to be Zealously affected in a good cause at all times. Preached on Sunday, Oct 24, 1886
DocumentMay 13, 1890 Article - Meeting of Young Men's Library - Chaney outgoing president. "A president, also is to be chosen to succeed Dr. George L. Chaney, who now presides over the board"

Release date March 2, 2014

DocumentApr 24, 1883 MoM - Initial officers of the Church of our Father selected
DocumentDec 8, 1883 MoM - Furnishings Committee appointed for new church building.
DocumentDec 15, 1883 MoM - Furnishing Committee report presented and preparation for Christmas Supper noted. Building Committee report was request, but was not ready. Report deferred to future meeting.
DocumentDec 19, 1883 MoM - Building Committee report "was called for." "Mr. Lederle reported for the committee, but owning to the absence of other members of the committee possessing important parts of the report, the report was laid on the table."
DocumentDec 20. 1883 MoM - Discussion from the Building Committee on a disputed bill with the contractor amounting to $1,232.00. Approval provided to settle with contractor.
DocumentMay 11, 1883 MoM - Discussion of reducing rent to Prof. Means to $40 per month
DocumentMarch 17, 1884 Mom - Discussion and vote on bylaws update regarding decisions on membership. Rev. Chaney indicated a date for the dedication of the new church was set for April 23, 1884.
DocumentJan 2, 1884 MoM - Treasurer report was presented with details of income and expenses provided in minutes. A resolution was approved to "express our appreciation and gratitude for the patient and artistic work of our devoted Architect Mr. G.L Norrman. Standing committee for 1884 was selected.

Release date February 17, 2014

DocumentNov 7, 1915 coverage of the dedication of the church on West Peachtree Street. Article contains detailed history of the Unitarian church from its start in 1883 to 1915.

Release date January 26, 2014

DocumentAug 18, 1876. Professor Meas Remodel Home on Church Street
DocumentDec 29, 1878. Professor T.E. Means Noted as Capable Instructor
DocumentSep 2, 1881. Means High School Begins Fourth Scholastic Year. Advertisement includes, "give our pupils the advantages of all improved modes of discipline", "when not in study, we have made arrangements to exercise them in military tactics"
DocumentOct 7, 1885. Artisan institute starting second session. Advertisement for the institute looking for "young men desiring to share its advantages must apply at once."
DocumentSep 24, 1886. Unitarian Conf in Saratoga Opening Session. Topics and papers discussed included: "the anti-saloon and white cross movements were commended", a resolution was offered to request congress to obtain statistics on marriages and divorces, "the present actual condition of the workingman", "the use and abuse of alcohol and tobacco", "the attitude of the church toward the dramshop"
DocumentSep 5, 1884. Letter - From Church of our Father to the American Unitarian Association requesting to retain the services of the Rev. Chaney
DocumentApr 16, 1966. The Unitarian Church in Atlanta 1882 - 1900. Paper written by Dr. Richard Becker while in seminar covering the history of Unitarians in Atlanta.

Release date January 6, 2014

FeatureAbility to download or email PDF version of an archive document. See the bottom of archive document for hyperlink
DocumentSep 16, 1899 MoM - Details of the sale of the property on Church and Spring street to the Carnegie Free Library for $20,500.
DocumentDec 20, 1898 Report - On the regular annual meeting of the Church of our Father. Reports read, officers elected. Rev. Vail is thanked for his service and requested to serve the following year at a salary of $1,500. Rev. Vail defers and indicates that, "He would agree to stay if the financial arrangements could be made satisfactory."
DocumentApr 11, 1904 Report - Details on the regular quarterly meeting of the Church of our Father. There were proposals and counter proposals on the adoption of a new name for the church. It was decided to postpone the final decision to allow the full congregation to vote on two names "Church of our Father, Unitarian" or "The Unitarian Church of Atlanta"
DocumentApr 17, 1904 MoM - Discussion and acceptance of changing church name from Church of our Father to The Unitarian Church of Atlanta
DocumentApr 13 1908 MoM - Discussion and vote to merge with Universalists. The decision is not to merge with the Universalists
DocumentMay 17, 1908 MoM - Discussions of resignations, forming of pulpit supply committee, and other business. Letter from American Unitarian Association also read. Letter expressed displeasure with congregation's decision not to merge with the Universalists.
DocumentApr 23, 1908 Letter - Letter from the American Unitarian Association (AUA) to the Unitarian Church in Atlanta expressing great disappointment in the decision not to merge with the Universalist due to dire financial situation of the Unitarian church
DocumentFeb 1934 Document - "History of Universalism in Atlanta, Ga. 1879 - 1934" compiled by Viola Stanford.
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