Unitarian Church of Atlanta – Meeting Minutes, May 16, 1905 (Rev. Langston Resigns)

Atlanta Ga., May 16, 1905

Regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees held this evening at the residence of Mr. J.C. Peck.

Present: Messrs. Watts, Moore, Behre, St. Amand, Mrs. Alice Daniels and J.E. Harding

The Board regretted the indisposition of Mr. J.C. Peck, thereby not making it possible for him to be present.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer submitted his report which was read and approved as follows:

Amount in hands of Treasurer April 18, 1905 $11.34
Receipts from April 18, 1905 to May 16, 1905 $142.21
Total Receipts $153.55
From April 18th to May 16, 1905 $136.98
Amount due Treasurer $16.57

Clerk reported church attendance as follows:

Apr 23rd – 52
Apr 30th – 41
May 7th – 40
May 14th – 30
Total 163
Average 40 ¾

Upon motion Mr. St. Amand was authorized to sign contract with the Ga. Electric Light Co for two years at a minimum cost of $2.00 per month for lighting purposes.

Chairman Watts submitted to the board a letter from Rev. C.A. Langston tendering his resignation as pastor of the church, upon motion the Clerk was instructed to give notice of a meeting of the church to be held Sunday May 21, 1905 after the regular services when action would be taken on Mr. Langston’s communication.

There being no further business matting adjourned.

J.E. Harding, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02 Book: 02 Page: 202
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA