Unitarian Church of Atlanta – Meeting Minutes, Feb 20, 1906 (Finance, Church and Opera House Attendance)

Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 20, 1906

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held this evening at the residence of Mr. J.C. Peck.

Present: Chairman Peck, Rev. Moore Sanborn and Messrs. Moore, St. Amand and Harding.

Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

The Treasurer submitted report which was read, approved and ordered spread on the minutes as follows:

Amount in hands of Treas. from year 1905 $118.55
Collections from Jan. 1, 1906 to Feb. 20, 1906 $257.54
Collections Opera House (3 nights) $117.34 $374.88
Total Receipts $493.43
From Jan. 1, 1906 to Feb. 20, 1906 $235.00
Ex. Opera house meetings ( 3  nights) $172.65
Amount in hands of Treasurer $85.78

The Clerk reported attendance for the past five Sundays as follows:

Jan 21st – 86
Jan 28th – 126
Feb 4th – 101
Feb 11th – 93
Feb 19th – 101
Total – 507
Average – 101 2/5

St. Amand reported attendance at Opera house meetings as follows:

Jan 28th – 2,000 present 400 turned away
Feb 4th – Rainy- 1,350 present
Feb 11th – Rainy- 1,000 present

Mr. St. Amand moved that as Prof. Mueller had notified Mrs. Lederle Chairman of the Music Committee that he would no longer play on Sundays that the $10.00 appropriated by the Board at the January meeting to be paid to Mr. Mueller each month be placed at the disposal of the music committee to be used in securing a singer. Carried.

Mr. John L. Moore moved that a special meeting of the Board of Trustees be called to be held on Monday evening February 26th 1906 at 8:00 P.M. at the residence of Mr. J.C. Peck for the purpose of discussing the continuance of the meetings being held at the Opera House. Carried.

Mr. St. Amand moved that the Chairman of the Committee on Care of Church property be again requested to have the floor at the bottom of steps in the basement entering from the church proper fixed, and that the Chairman also be requested and instructed to have bricks layed (sic) from the sidewalk up to the steps in front of the church. Carried.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned.


J.E. Harding, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02 Book: 02 Pages: 218 – 219
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA