Unitarian Church of Atlanta – Meeting Minutes, Feb 10, 1909 (Committee Members)

Wednesday, Feb 10th, 1909

Meeting of Trustees, Unitarian Church. Meeting called to order at 8 P.M. Mr. Lederle presiding.

Present were Mr. Moore, Mr. Watts, Mr. Harding, Mr. Lederle and Mr. Perkins. In the absence of Mr. Schwoon Mr. Perkins was appointed clerk.

Treasurer made no written report but stated that bills for January had been paid and small balance on hand.

The matter of arrangement for installation of Dr. Rowlett was brought up and it was moved by Mr. Moore and seconded that a committee to consist of the chairman of Mr. Watts, Mr. Behre, J.L. Moore and the Treasurer be appointed to make the plans. This motion was carried.

The chairman announced the following committees for 1909

J.R. Watts, Chairman
J.L. Moore
C.H. Behre
T. C. Perkins
Frank Lederle

Church Property
A.F. Walker, Chairman
Wade Harding
W.M. Francis
J.B. Young.

Church Operation
J.R. Harding, Chairman
D.E. Spencer
Fred Schwoon

C.H. Behre, Chairman
Mrs. Behre
Mrs. Lederle
Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Holdship

The following committee were announced by the pastor.

J.L. Moore, Chairman
Frank Lederle
W.M. Francis
Mrs. Rowlett
Miss Hattie Martin
Christian Courtesy
Mr. & Mrs. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
J.G. St. Amand
Mrs. Beardsley
T.C. Perkins
Wade Harding
H. Douglas, Jr.
Miss Alice Dixon
Mrs. Govan,
Miss Hattie Martin
Dr. Spencer
Mrs. Rowlett

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.



Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02  Book: 02  Page: 277
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA