Rev. Q. H. Shinn, Universalist, Defends His Church and Creed.
Rev. Q. H. Shinn, Universalist, Defends
His Church and Creed.
Sent as a Missionary to Atlanta, He Comes to Conduct a Series of Meetings at the Courthouse, Beginning Sunday.
Rev. Q. H. Shinn, general missionary of the Universalist Church of America, is in Atlanta for the purpose of conducting a revival here, and waging an active campaign of education with respect to the faith and creed of the Universalists
The first meeting will be held Sunday at 11 o’clock at the courthouse.
He has secured the courthouse for holding his meetings, and will be in Atlanta several weeks.
It is probable that he will have two meetings a day while here thus affording everybody a chance to attend and learn of the doctrines of this church.
This is a faith about which but little is known in this section, Mr. Shinn claims many people think Universalism is synonymous with infidelity but Mr. Shinn says this belief is grounded on ignorance of the creed of his church.
“On the contrary,” said he yesterday, “we think there is a Savior who will not be defeated in the great mission He came to earth to do.
“We believe in a perfect God, and in the absolute certainly of punishment. But we believe that righteousness is to be ultimately victorious in every human heart, and that mankind will. In the end, be saved from sin and sorrow. Believers in Universalism are also believers in the proposition, that divine punishment will be severe in this world and the world to come, but they believe at the same time that these punishments will be dealt out to mankind for the purpose of saving them from everlasting punishment, and. that in the end they will be obedient and thus saved. In this way we believe that peace will be restored to human souls and that God’s government will drive out all hate and prejudice and all the wicked passions and cause love to reign supreme in every heart.
“Is not this the right sort of religion after all? Now, we are not responsible for the belief among some to the effect that our faith is nothing more nor less than that all the world shall be saved: that life shall be rounded with perfect happiness no matter how wicked we have been on earth; that in spite of manifold sins we shall walk right into the flowery beds of ease and be at rest without ever knowing what punishment is, without ever dreaming of hardships. That is not the faith of the Universalists. Some people believe we have no better creed than this – a sort of delusive song without an air that anybody can sing and be happy.
“We do believe in punishment. We do believe in a true and perfect God. We do believe in a Savior. The only difference in our faith and that of the various other creeds is that we think with all these divine laws and punishments we will finally be saved. We hold to the faith that our Savior was not sent into the world to save sinners and failed. We have implicit faith in Him, and we know that He. will save us. He will not fail in His mission. He came to save mankind, and he is going to be triumphant and victorious.”
Creed of the Church.
Following is the creed of the Universalists
“Article 1. We believe that the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament contain a revelation of the character of God and of the duty, interest and final destination of mankind.
“Article 2. We believe that there is one God, whose nature is love, revealed in one, Lord Jesus Christ, by one holy spirit of grace who will finally restore the whole family of Mankind in holiness and happiness.
“Article 3. We believe that holiness and true happiness are inseparably connected, and the: believers ought to be careful to maintain order, and practice good things; for these things are good and profitable unto men.”
A Good Many in Atlanta.
“We have quite a number of Universalists here, but have never taken up the work of building a church. We hope to do this in the near future If we find it feasible.
“I have been sent here by the church as a missionary. I have come to preach the doctrines we teach and the faith we hold to and will endeavor to expound that faith so that all can understand and not be in ignorance to the creed.
“I shall have meetings here continually day and night for two or three weeks and will endeavor to work up a revival and arouse interest in the church to which we belong. I say I was sent here. That is true, but I should have said in addition that I was asked to come to Atlanta by the Universalists of this city. There are a great many ladies in Atlanta who are Universalists and they are the ones who asked that a missionary be sent here.
“I have been conducting similar meetings In Chattanooga and Knoxville and other southern cities and have not been disappointed in the hopes I carried with me, to those fields in the accomplishment of my mission. We have had successful meetings in all of the southern cities where I have been preaching the Universalist religion.”
Who Mr. Shinn Is.
The Harriman Daily Advance gives the following sketch of Rev. Q. H. Shinn, general missionary of the Universalist church:
“The Rev. Q. H. Shinn is in many respects a unique minister. Besides his literary labor and long journeys, he has preached an average of one sermon a day for months at a time, and is called by his brethrens the St Paul of the Universalist church.’
“A native of Virginia, he joined the union army at the age of sixteen, served through the war in the Shenandoah campaign under Sheridan, wounded and imprisoned, he nevertheless returned home in 1864 in good health and for the last twenty-three years has been an active Grand Army man.
“He has served as chaplain of the largest Grand Army of the Republic post in the world, that at Lynn, Mass., and for three years department chaplain of Maine. His present membership is with U. S. Grant post, Omaha, Neb. Other bodies to which he belongs are the Good Templars and the Odd Fellows, where he is held in high esteem.
“A graduate of the St. Lawrence University of Canton, N. H., he has by educational advantages, wide and varied experience commanding presence, ready and eloquent speech, a rare equipment for evangelistic usefulness.
“His wife, formerly Maria S. Burnell, Portland, Me., is an efficient helpmate and now resides with their sons in Galeabury, Ill. where the latter are now attending college, and where Mr. Shinn spends his brief periods of rest.”
Source: The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) – Fri, Feb 15, 1895 – Page 7
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