Church of Our Father – Meeting Minutes, Jan 13, 1902 (Annual Meeting)
Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 13th, 1902
The regular annual meeting of the Church of Our Father was held in the church auditorium this day. Meeting was called to order at 8:15 pm. Mr. Jno. Moore in the chair.
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. The following reports were then read and ordered placed on file.
Report of Pastor, Report of Clerk, Report of Superintendent of Sunday School, Report of Treasurer, Report of Woman’s Alliance, Report of President of Young People’s Religious Union (See Archivist Note below citation), Report of Mr. Lloyd Daniels for Library. (Archivist Note: none of these reports are found in the physical archive).
The nominating committee appointed at a special church meeting held Dec 19th then reported the following names for officers for the year 1902.
- Pastor – Rev. C. A. Langston
- Clerk – Frank Lederle
- Treasurer – J.S. St. Amand
- Trustees, to serve three years – J.E. Harding, Mrs. Chas. H. Behre, A.F. Walker
- Advisory Committee – Mrs. Metta Foster, Mrs. Jno. L. Moore
- Sunday School Superintendent – Rev. C. A. Langston
- Assistant Superintendent – Mr. B.F. Longley
It was moved by Mr. Crafts and seconded that the chairman cast the vote of the meeting for this ticket as a whole. Carried unanimously.
The report of the President of the Board of Trustees was then read and ordered placed on file. It was moved by Mr. Crafts and seconded that the salary of the Pastor for the coming year, be made fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400), that same as last year. Carried.
The Treasurer reported that there was still due the Pastor $183.34 in last year salary and that there were unpaid subscriptions of $105.00, leaving a balance of $79.34, unprovided for. Upon motion a subscription list was passed and this amount subscribed.
Mr. Langston then reported on the new service books which its was proposed to adopt. Upon motion the committee were given further time to get up a proper form of worship and to learn what other churches would join in such a movement. This committee to report at the next quarterly meeting.
Mr. St. Amand moved that a committee of five be appointed to solicit subscriptions for the coming year. Carried.
Subscriptions were then called for and a total of $670.00 was subscribed.
Upon motion Mr. Lloyd Daniels was elected Librarian. Mr. Behre moved that a vote of confidence and of thanks be extended to the Pastor for his conscietious work during the past year. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.
Frank Lederle
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25 Folder: 04 Book: 01 Pages: 223 – 224
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
Archivist Note: There is scant mention of the Unitarian Young People’s Religious Union (Y.P.R.U.) in the records of the Unitarian church archive. The Unitarian Young People’s Religious Union was founded in 1896.
See reference Annual Meeting of 1907 my Miss Hattie Martin to organize a Young People’s Union at the Unitarian church.
In the archive records of Atlanta Universalists, there is extensive information on the Universalist’s Young People’s Christian Union (Y.P.C.U.).
The Atlanta Universalist’s church was considered a missionary church that was explicitly supported by the Universalist’s Y.P.C.U. National organization. The “young” element of the name of the association is a bit misleading. When this “young people’s” organization was founded in 1889, membership age boundaries were rather elastic. It was not unusal for individuals to join in their mid-thirties and linger on the rolls until their mid-fifties. In later years this “elastic membership criteria” became more youth focused. However, at the time of the formative years membership in the Universalist’s Young People’s Christian Union was quite open.