WHEREAS our Unitarian Universalist principles call us to affirm and promote “justice, equity, and compassion in human relations” and “the goal of world community”; and
WHEREAS our history as Unitarian Universalists includes evidence of both great commitment and individual achievement in the struggle for racial justice as well as the failure of our Unitarian Universalist institutions to respond fully to the call for justice; and
WHEREAS, the journey is often confusing and the work often deeply painful, our principles and our theological tradition compel us to stay on the journey and continue the work of anti-racism, anti-oppression, multiculturalism (ARAOMC); and
WHEREAS, with humility we acknowledge that we will err in this work and that none of us will ever be done with this journey; and
WHEREAS, we are determined to continue in this work, confident that by doing so we will deepen spiritually and thrive as a fully engaged, relevant faith community that brings healing to the world.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NWUUC will publicly declare our commitment to justice and equity by prominently displaying the banner at right along Mt. Vernon Highway.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to work for change on an institutional level, NWUUC will partner with interfaith and people of color- (POC-) led organizations in our community to work to dismantle racism.
*We gratefully acknowledge the work of our Unitarian Universalist 1997 General Assembly, and our parent congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, for the wisdom and language of their resolutions which we have relied on in articulating our commitment.