Nine Northwest members and friends and Rev. Terry Davis attended this year’s General Assembly in Providence, RI in June. For many of us it was something we do year after year, for some it was a new experience.
This GA was very moving and inspiring. The theme was “Love Reaches Out”, and each worship leader as well as the esteemed Sister Simone Campbell, who delivered the Ware Lecture address, spoke of how we can improve our world with our saving message of Love. We were asked to “walk with the Other”, and to “walk toward trouble, not away from it.”
How do we reach out into the world to heal those who need to be healed? How do we make the world a better place for all creatures living in and on it, and how do we show devout respect for the earth itself? We were re-inspired to be good stewards of the earth.
Several of our members participated actively in the CSAI (Congregational Study/Action Issues) Mini Assemblies. CSAI are issues selected by Unitarian Universalist member congregations for four years of study, reflection and action. In the third year of this process, delegates at General Assembly (GA) can vote to approve a Statement of Conscience (SOC) resulting from congregational feedback on the CSAI. A fourth year is devoted to implementation.
Five issues were discussed and pre-sented to the General Assembly for the selection of one. Escalating Inequality was the topic voted as the choice for study in 2014-2018. Our Northwest delegates were unanimous in voting for that topic.
What is Escalating Inequality? Upward mobility—the American Dream—has become a myth. Concentration of wealth and power has skyrocketed. Half of all Americans are impoverished or struggling, as the middle class shrinks and the top 1% increases their wealth. This is killing our democracy and we need to act to rectify this situation.
Join the delegates and others who attended GA for a Second Hour discussion of how our congregation can actively participate in this CSAI. UU Outreach: Love in Action will be the theme on August 24 after the service. We hope you will join us.