Unitarian Church of Atlanta – Meeting Minutes, Jan 21, 1907 (Officers, Detailed Financials)

Atlanta, Ga., January 21, 1907

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustee held this evening at the residence of Mr. J.C. Peck.

Present: Messrs. Peck, Watts, St. Amand, Behre, Lederle, Harding and Dr. Shippen.

The Clerk reported the election of the following officers of the church at the annual meeting held Jan. 14, 1907.

Pastor: Rev. Rush R. Shippen

Members of the Board of Trustees for 3 years:
J.C. Peck
W.M. Francis
D.H. Spencer

Members of the Board of Trustless for 2 years:
Julies R. Watts
John L. Moore
Frank Lederle

Members of the Board of Trustless for 1 year:
Chas. H. Behre
A.F. Walker
Dr. W.A. Jackson

Treasurer: J.G. St. Amand

Clerk: J.E. Harding

Advisory Committee:
T.C. Perkins
Mrs. Cora P. Williams
W.J. Govan

Superintendent Sunday school: Hamilton Douglas

Asst. Superintendent Sunday school: J.E. Harding

Upon motion of Mr. Behre, Mr. J.C. Peck was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board for the year 1907.

Upon motion of Mr. St. Amand, Mr. John L. Moore was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

The Chairman announced the committees as follows:

J.G. St. Amand, Chairman
John L. Moore
D.E. Spencer
Julius R. Watts
C.H. Behre
W.A. Jackson

Care of Property:
W.M. Francis, Chairman
A.F. Walker
Frank Lederle

Mrs. A. M. Lederle Chairman
Mrs. Cora P. Williams
C.H. Behre

Church operations:
Rev. Rush R. Shipper and associates

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

The Treasurer submitted a report in detail of the funds handled by him from January 1, 1906 to January 14, 1907 (for year 1906) showing a balance in his hands of $124.08. Said report will be found following minutes of this meeting.

The Clerk reported attendance for three Sundays in January as follows:
Jan 6th – 80
Jan 13th – 70
Jan 20th – 80
Total – 230
Average – 76 2/3

The Chairman of the music committee having made no request of the Board of the amount required for the choir for the year 1907, Mr. St. Amand moved that the amount appropriated last year to wit: $300.00 be appropriated this year and placed at the disposal of the music committee.

Mr. St. Amand moved that Dr. Shippen continue to print the cards giving his subjects and the various meetings held during each month and that the Treasurer he instructed to pay the bills.

Mr. St. Amand read a letter of Mr. George H. Crafts addressed to the Board of Trustees tendering his resignation as member of the Board as he had removed his residence from Atlanta to Dublin, Ga which was accepted to the regret of the entire Board, and Mr. St. Amand offered the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted.

Upon motion the resignation of Brother Crafts was accepted to the regret of the entire Board, and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:


That by the removal from Atlanta of Mr. George H. Crafts, the Unitarian church loses one of its most zealous, ardent and faithful members, and the Board of Trustees, one of its oldest, staunchest and most active members, Mr. Crafts having for the past seventeen years been continuously a member of the Board during which time he has filled the position as Chairman.

Be it further resolved:

That in appreciation of Brother Crafts deep interest in the welfare of our cause in Atlanta and of our high regard for him as a Christian gentleman and as a mark of our esteem of him as a man, friend, citizen and co-worker, that we hereby elect him an honorary member of the Board, and extend to him an invitation to attend the meetings of the Board whenever in the city. And it is the wish of every member of the Board that Brother Crafts efforts may be crowned with success in his new home.

Be it further resolved:

That these resolutions be spread on the minutes, and that a copy of them be forwarded to Brother Crafts by the Clerk of the Board.

Mr. St. Amand announced that at the annual meeting $1,107.00 had been subscribed by those present and others whom he had assessed the same Amounts as contributed last year to the support of the church for this year.

Mr. St. Amand also stated that he had in hand in cash sufficient funds to meet the current expenses including the minister’s salary for the month of January.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned.


J.E. Harding, Clerk

Report of Treasurer covering receipts and disbursements from Jan 1, 1906 to Jan 14, 1907 (for year 1906)

Name Subscription Balance
Cash in hands of Treasurer (Bal from 1905) $118.50
Sunday collections in basket $330.37
J.B. Frost $24.00
D.E. Spencer $59.50
F. Schwoon $9.00
Socius Club $6.60
J.C. Peck $100,00
C.H. Behre $75.00
Mrs. Annie F. Taylor $15.00
Special Collections A.U.A. $15.00
Miss Sarah G. Whaley $35.00
Miss Angie Harding $5.00
Grand Opera House collections $142.88
Episcopal Church for Windows $25.00
J.G. St. Amand $104.00
Opera House deficit (subscribers) $140.00
American Unitarian Association $337.50
Julius R. Watts $50.00
W.M.Francis $30.00
Frank Lederle $100.00
 Hugh C. Scott $25.00
 A.F. Walker $25.00
 J.E. Harding $10,00
 Mrs. Rose S. Colvin $3.00
 Ralph H. Brown $50.00
 Geo Eowle & Wife $15.00
 Hamilton Douglas $50.00
 W.A. Jackson $50.00
 Miss Hattie Harding $25.00
 John L. Moore $100.00
 Woman’s Alliance $130.00
 T.C. Perkins $12.50
 R.G. Wells $11.00
 San Francisco Sufferers $50.65
 R.F. Shedden $10.00
 Earl M. Moore $10.00
 H.A. Smith $25.00
 Mrs. A. Karstrand $2.50
 Mrs. Alfredo Barili $20.00
 Mrs. Cora P. Williams $30.00
 Mrs. U.O. Robertson $50.00 $2,308.50
 Total $2,427.05
Disbursements Amount
Rev. Moore Sanborn $1,000.00
Rev. Rush R. Shippen $375.00
Opera House Expense $329.25
Piedmont Hotel Mr. Shippen Bill $25.00
Insurance on Property $20.05
Repairs to Church Property $44.30
E.H. Thornton Treasurer San Francisco Sufferers $50.65
Expense Account lights, water, print, etc $98.47
 Mrs. A.M. Lederle organist $45.00
 Mrs. T.J. Harper organist $16.50
 Mrs. A.F. Wynne singer $123.75
 T.C. Paine singer $4.00
 Mrs. T.A. Burke singer $45.00
 Erwin Mueller Violinist $10.00
 Miss Tucker & Friend singers $10.00
 Special Collection A.U.A. $15.00
 Janitor $91.00 $2,302.97
Amount in hands of Treasurer $124.08
Balance made up as follows:
Note of Ralph H. Brown $37.50
Note H.A. Smith due March 16, 1907 $25.00
Ch1 C.H. Behre $46.25
Cash on Hand $15.33 $124.08

Atlanta, Ga., January 14, 1907

Respectfully submitted,


J.G. St. Amand

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02 Book: 02  Pages: 228 – 233
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA