Unitarian Church of Atlanta – Meeting Minutes, Jan 19, 1909 (Publicity and Christian Courtesy Cmttes)

Trustees of Church If Our Father Unitarian

Office of Julius P. Watts & Co. Austell Bldg.

Atlanta Jan 19, 1909

The Meeting was called to order by Chairmen Harding, those present: Messrs. Harding, Lederle, Watts, Berry, Moore, Perkins, Rowlett, Schwoon.

Upon motion duly carried Mr. Lederle was elected chairman for the year and Berry Vice Chairman.

Motion by Mr. Berry that the Chairman appoint the usual committees at his convenience and notify them of their appointment. Carried.

Suggested by Mr. Rowlett that a committee on publicity be appointed. Motion by Mr. Berry that this be done and the membership of that be named by Mr. Rowlett was carried, and Mr. Rowlett submitted the following names: Frank Lederle, W.M. Francis, Mrs. John Rowlett, Miss Hattie Martin and John L. Moore.

Rowlett suggested a committee on Christian Courtesy and a motion thereupon similar to the preceding one was duly carried and the following names submitted: Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Smith, Joe St. Amand, Mrs. Joe Beardsley, T.C. Perkins, Wade Harding, Hamilton Douglas Jr., Miss Alice Dixon, Mrs. W J. Govan, Miss Hattie Martin, Mrs. D.E. Spencer and Mrs. John W. Rowlett,

A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last previous meeting was carried.

Treasurer Perkins reported that the subscriptions for the current year so far received to amounted to $1,251.00 and that a number who had not yet subscribed might be counted on to do so.

A motion was made by Mr. Behre that a second letter be sent to a member who had not yet subscribed, which was amended so that the matter remain at the discretion of the Treasurer in consultation with the Finance committee, and was carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Behre that the publicity committee be allowed the monthly sum of $2.50 which was carried.

A motion was duly carried that a bill be presented to the Treasurer covering the amount expended by Mrs. Daniels in the capacity of P.O. Mission Secretary and to reimburse her, Carried.

Motion by Mr. Watts that Messrs. Rowlett, Behre and Moore be a committee to confer with Mr. Elliot to arrange with him for a lecture in Atlanta, Carried.

Motion by Mr. Moore that the Chairman appoint a committee to arrange confer with Mr. Rowlett for the purpose of arranging an installation service to install Mr. Rowlett as Minister. This committee to be appointed at the convenience of the Chairman. Carried

A motion to adjourn was carried.


Fred Schwoon, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02   Book: 02  Page: 273
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA