June 16, 2015 Pope Francis vs Boiled Frogs – AJC letter

Part of the Earth Seen from Space with the phase Laudato si written in the blackness of space

imageThis letter was submitted to the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

A frog, placed in cool water and heated slowly, will die before it hops out. Thursday, Pope Francis will release “Laudato si on the care of our common home”, calling on all us frogs to leap before it is too late. It is only common sense to set aside self-interest to act to stop human-caused climate change, which disproportionately affects the poor. Ultimately, climate change recognizes no political ideology or religious beliefs. Liberals and conservatives, Catholics and atheists, regardless, we will all boil together if we do not act.

But all is not doom and gloom. We have the technology, the skills, the knowledge and the energy to change. We can live lightly and happily on the earth. But we must have the will to insist that all our leaders, political and religious, hear the Pope and leap before it is too late.