On Three Legs

Dear Friends,

There’s nothing like a break from a routine to gain a fresh perspective – which is exactly what my summer leave has afforded me. As I begin my third year of service to Northwest this month, I return with a renewed sense that it is important that I practice what I preach.

And, what is that? Well, as your minister, I’m most concerned with how you care for your mind, body and spirit. For me, these elements of well-being work together like the three legs of a stool – if one leg goes, the entire stool top-ples over. And, because I’m committed to this journey of ministry that I believe will help transform me and the communities I serve, I want to be steady on all three.

So, I am returning to this wonderful community with the hope that I will do what I need to do to keep mind, body and spirit in good condition. This includes honoring my need for daily prayer and meditation; regular exercise, rest, and time with my family; and a weekly personal Sabbath day (Friday, which is my day off).

I occasionally skimp on one or more of these things when I feel the pressure to make something else a priority. I always regret it later when I do. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s not indulgent to pay attention to these needs. Rather, it is good preparation for the challenging work that ministry calls us to do.

For example, if I’m reading spiritual books and trying to practice meditation, but I’m staying up too late at night, not eating right or getting moderate exercise, what does that say about my spiritual condition? How can I bring my best energy and thinking to the regular demands of my life, let alone to ministry? My efforts need to be evenly distributed across the needs of my mind, body and spirit if I am to be the well-balanced stool I aspire to be.

As we look forward to a year of worshipping together, caring for one another and serving our wider world, I hope you’ll join me in making a personal commitment to move steadily forward on all three legs.



Rev. Terry Davis