
To precycle means to consciously think ahead to keep excess packaging and end product out of landfills. Start or increase the amount you precycle with these five ideas:

Take your own bags. A very collapsible string bag (we have them in the Bookstore) makes this easy to do. Aldi leads in this area as they do not give out bags at all, instead providing a long shelf so you can fill your bags yourself. If I forget to take my bags in there, I wheel the cart to the car where I keep them.

Purchase items in larger sizes or quantities and divide them up yourself. Refill liquid soap containers. Repurpose other containers. It saves time and money and all that packaging.

Check containers for recycling numbers. Everything through #7 is now accepted in recycling bins. You can use the church bins to recycle or use your own. (Curious what the numbers mean? Here’s a good explanation.)

Remember to recycle Styrofoam. Styrofoam that is used in grocery store can now be recycled at Publix. The recycling container says “egg cartons” on it.

Check out precycling for preschool to tweens. Start good Earth habits early!