Close Encounter

Dear Friends,

As I was dragging the trash cans to the curb Sunday night, there was a brief flash directly above my head in the waning evening light. Startled, I looked up. Directly overhead, sitting on a low maple tree branch was an enormous barred owl. I froze in place and stared at this magnificent animal for what felt like several minutes. The owl returned my gaze with intensely dark eyes set in a wide and feathery round face. It was a thrilling close encounter that touched the very depth of my soul.

In a letter to President Franklin Pierce, Chief Seattle of the Suwamish Tribe wrote, “If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected.” Ever mindful of the many ways human existence encroaches on the lives of wild animals, I always feel hopeful when I see an adult owl in my neighborhood. Perhaps we haven’t totally ruined things yet. Perhaps there’s still time . . . for the owl and for us.

The next morning, as I was taking Lucy and Leo out for a walk, I noticed at the end of the driveway – just under that maple tree branch – a scattering of tiny, soft gray feathers. I bent down and collected every single one. I want to hang on to that close encounter with the owl . . . and that moment where hope became manifest.

